Immunization Awareness Month

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August is recognized as National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) to highlight the importance of getting recommended vaccines and to remind us all that simple vaccinations prevent tragedy and save countless lives. You have the power to protect yourself and your family against serious diseases like measles, whooping cough, certain cancers, shingles, and influenza because of vaccines.

Be Well Solutions encourages you to use this month to discuss your vaccination status with your primary care physician to ensure you and your family are up to date.

As your children head back to school, make sure vaccination is at the top of your checklist. The CDC’s Interactive Vaccine Guide provides information on vaccines recommended during pregnancy and throughout your child’s life.

The adult vaccine assessment tool helps individuals decide which vaccines are right for them.

Throughout the month, Be Well Solutions will be sharing information and resources on social media to highlight the importance of vaccines. Help us spread the word! Follow the conversation on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and use #ivax2protect to share why you choose to vaccinate.

Influenza Season 2020-21

August also reminds us that flu season is right around the corner. Flu season usually starts in early fall and continues until spring. Public Health Professionals throughout the nation are urging that everyone six months of age and older receive an annual influenza (flu) vaccine. Flu shots are available at your primary care physician, local pharmacy and may be offered by your employer. Check with your HR department to see if flu shots are being offered at your workplace. Read more about the science behind flu shots and how you can schedule a flu shot clinic at your workplace today!


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