Fact or Fiction: Debunking Nutrition Myths

Myth: You can’t get enough protein unless you consume meat. False. Protein is in a variety of foods besides meat and poultry including nuts, peanut butter, beans, lentils, quinoa, eggs, soy (tofu, edamame, and soy milk), and dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, and Greek yogurt). While you are planning your meals for the week, think of ways that you can add plant-based protein sources to your favorite dishes. For example, instead of adding chicken to your salad, use no sodium-added garbanzo beans. Not only will the beans add protein, but they are also a good source of fiber, which can help with weight management. Myth: Fruit is too high in sugar so I should avoid it. False. There are two types of sugar: natural sugar and added sugar. Fruit contains natural sugar as well as many beneficial nutrients like fiber, [...]