The Connection Between Stress and Blood Pressure

Stress affects the body in many ways, including blood pressure management. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, when left unmanaged, can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and more (American Heart Association1). Stress is acute or chronic, so each has a unique connection to blood pressure. Exploring these different connections will help us find healthier ways to manage stress and control our blood pressure. Times of Acute Stress Acute stress is typically emergent and temporary, such as slamming on your brakes in traffic to avoid an accident. Our body enters flight or fight mode to protect itself during an emergency. It naturally produces stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol to initiate specific body functions like increased heart rate, blood flow to muscles, and respiration. This reaction also temporarily raises blood pressure as a result. Responses like these are [...]

Fact or Fiction: Salt

I don’t put salt on my food, so I don’t have to worry about sodium. Fiction. Sodium is found in more than just the saltshaker. In fact, over 70% of sodium in the American diet comes from processed, packaged, and restaurant foods. Sodium is added to a variety of popular foods during processing and preparation. As a result, most Americans consume double the amount of recommended sodium each day. Excess sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. The good news is that making simple changes can help you stomp out excess sodium in your meals and snacks. What are the top food sources of sodium? Sodium is found in many processed foods including bread, pizza, sandwiches, soups, tacos, condiments (soy sauce, salad dressing, etc.), snack foods (pretzels, chips, [...]