The Science of Stress: Understanding Its Effects on the Mind and Body

Stress is something we often experience daily. Anytime we face a stressful situation, the body automatically prepares to react. It releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that act to increase our heart rate and breathing, contract muscles, and elevate blood sugar for quick energy. These functions are necessary to help us respond in an emergency. However, prolonged and unmanaged stress can become chronic and negatively affect both mind and body. Stress and the Body Chronic stress affects every system of the body. Tense muscles can lead to soreness, neck and back pain, headaches, and migraines. Consistently elevated stress hormone levels increase the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. It can trigger or exacerbate respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions. Long-term stress can also suppress immune system function and cause fertility and reproduction complications. Chronic stress even affects the body [...]

Munch Mindfully with Strategies to Overcome Emotional Eating

During stressful or overwhelming days, it can be easy to turn to food to help us cope. We start craving comfort foods and indulgent snacks but usually feel guilty or even more stressed. Munch more mindfully with these strategies to help overcome emotional eating. Check Your Hunger As you experience a comfort food craving, check in with your hunger cues. If your go-to method of coping with stressful situations has been food for longer than you can remember, it can be hard to differentiate real hunger from emotional hunger. Take a moment to ask yourself if your body is physically hungry. Try delaying the snack or sipping water to see if the hunger subsides or continues. Also, ask yourself if your craving is for a specific food item. If your craving is specific, it can indicate emotional hunger. Checking your [...]