Heart Month: Stress Less for Cardiovascular Health

Stress is something that we all experience as humans, often daily. It can present acutely, such as running late for an appointment, or chronically, such as managing a new health diagnosis. It is natural for our body to respond in these situations to help protect us in an emergency. However, when stress persists, its effects typically become long-term and detrimental to our health. It affects every system of our body, including our heart. How Stress Affects the Heart Stress affects the heart in several different ways. Stress produces an increase in hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones cause immediate body changes such as increased blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar. In an emergency, these changes can be beneficial responses to protect the body and prepare it to fight, but if the stress continues unmanaged, these responses persist. [...]

Heart Month: 7 Lifestyle Changes for Cardiovascular Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death around the globe (World Health Organization1). While unchangeable factors such as age, genetics, and family history can increase risk, other modifiable lifestyle behaviors are significant in heart disease prevention and management. In a study published by the National Library of Medicine2 that involved participants of high genetic risk, “a favorable lifestyle was associated with a nearly 50% lower relative risk of coronary artery disease than was an unfavorable lifestyle.” Let’s explore eight lifestyle changes that can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and associated premature death. Eat Heart-Healthy Heart-healthy nutrition can positively influence cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight management. Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables for nutrients like fiber and vitamins. Choose leaner meats and fish as well as healthier fats. Limit your intake of processed foods and [...]

Nutrition and Your Immune System

Your immune system provides protection against many types of illnesses, including many types of infections and certain types of cancer. It is a complicated network of defenses, including physical barriers like our skin extending to microscopic cells that constantly patrol the body searching for invading organisms or irregular cells. A well-functioning immune system is essential for health. The factors that influence the immune system are complex and influenced by many elements of a person’s lifestyle, including nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management. Let’s take a closer look at how proper nutrition helps your body stay strong, and which types of foods help boost your defenses. Your Gut Microbiome Proper nutrients also help create a healthier microbiome. The microbiome is a system of trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms within your gut. Experts tell us that 70-80% of our immune system [...]

Stress, Sleep, and Your Immune System

Avoiding illness this time of year can be a tall task. We want to keep our immune systems strong, but are our daily habits hindering our ability to stay healthy? Let’s take a closer look at our habits with sleep and stress, and how they both can impact the function of our immune system. Our Immune System Our immune system functions as a defense against illness and germs and aids in recovery from injury or infection. It consists of organs, cells, and messenger molecules that identify and fight invaders in our body. It can even learn about previously contacted germs to create future antibodies. Many lifestyle factors play a role in our immune health. Poor health habits or hormonal imbalances can cause the immune system to become weakened or overactive, which can interfere with its effectiveness. For more information about [...]

6 Tips for Staying Healthy this Winter

Winter has settled in, and with it comes colder temperatures, more germs, and limited daylight that can interrupt our healthy habits. Don’t let your health take a back seat this season. Use these tips to help you stay healthy all winter long. Stay Active The change in season might make it tempting to forgo your exercise routine and hibernate all season, but movement is beneficial all year. It can help manage weight, improve mental health, and boost your immune system. If you continue to exercise outside, be sure to dress for the weather and dress in layers. If you would rather stay inside this season, try workout apps at home or a new class at the gym. This is an excellent time of year to change your routine and try something different with exercise. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite [...]

Nutrition Tips for Aging Gracefully

Healthy eating is a necessary part of wellness at any age. The habits we create with food today will impact our health tomorrow and years into the future. Proper nutrition can help prevent and manage diseases and conditions, lower injury risk, manage weight, and provide adequate energy as we age. Consider the following tips to age gracefully with healthier eating. Variety is Key Eating various foods can help ensure the intake of numerous essential nutrients. Eat the rainbow when it comes to fruits and vegetables. The colors of these foods depict different nutrients, so eating an assortment will help avoid gaps in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Incorporating foods from each food group will create a more balanced diet, including recommended nutrients for older adults like potassium, calcium, vitamin D, dietary fiber, and vitamin B12 (My Plate1). Prioritizing nutrient-dense foods you [...]

The Science of Stress: Understanding Its Effects on the Mind and Body

Stress is something we often experience daily. Anytime we face a stressful situation, the body automatically prepares to react. It releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that act to increase our heart rate and breathing, contract muscles, and elevate blood sugar for quick energy. These functions are necessary to help us respond in an emergency. However, prolonged and unmanaged stress can become chronic and negatively affect both mind and body. Stress and the Body Chronic stress affects every system of the body. Tense muscles can lead to soreness, neck and back pain, headaches, and migraines. Consistently elevated stress hormone levels increase the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. It can trigger or exacerbate respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions. Long-term stress can also suppress immune system function and cause fertility and reproduction complications. Chronic stress even affects the body [...]