Hydrate for Health

  Hydration is quite the trend in recent years, and that makes complete sense, as water is essential for life. Even subtle dehydration can impair performance in numerous areas. Every part of our body needs water to function properly. With that said, what really constitutes adequacy in hydration? This can be confusing, as the internet is rife with contradictory information and influencers carrying gallon jugs or toting the hottest water bottle. Daily Requirements Depend on Several Factors In the US and Canada, the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK45182/) recommendations determine "Adequate Intake" (AI), based on research conducted in healthy people.  However, it is acknowledged that studies on fluid intake are difficult to conduct and depend on several individual factors.  The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine tell us that daily AI for adults is as follows: Males - [...]

The Perfect Picnic

Sunny weather is here again! And what's more perfect for picnics? With picnics in mind, we thought we'd write some helpful hints on ways to keep picnics fun, simple, and healthy. Remember back to our "Building A Healthy Salad" article, we used the Plate Method as a starting point for building a great salad. Many of those same principles, plus the tips in this article, can be used to plan for The Perfect Picnic! To review, the plate method encourages filling at least half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, a quarter of it with lean protein and the remainder with whole grains and fruits. Stay Ahead of Dehydration with Water, Fruits and Vegetables It's always important to ensure adequate hydration, especially with any increase in physical activity. While packing our food for the day, we might accidentally forget to [...]

The Corona Impact – Drink Less Alcohol

How much is too much? Current CDC guidelines for alcohol consumption recommend less than one drink per day for women and two for men. Trends indicate moderate drinkers are consuming far more than the current guidelines. In the past year, it was found that men averaged four to fourteen drinks per week and women averaged four to seven drinks. There are short and long-term health consequences of consuming too much alcohol.  The Corona Impact A 2020 study measuring alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic found that drinking increased amongst 60% of participants (compared to the year prior, 2019). Even before the pandemic, the consumption trends still far exceeded CDC guidelines! In addition to the health consequences this past year had on many individuals, increased alcohol consumption adds to the risks for more health issues. Risks Short-term consequences include alcohol poisoning [...]

5 Components of Exercise Recovery

  You just finished up a great workout…Congrats! But now what? Practicing recovery techniques after exercise is essential for getting the most out of your workout and lowering the risk of injury. Incorporate the components below into your routine for maximum recovery. Cool-Down The cool-down is a component of exercise that is frequently overlooked. Too often, we finish our workout and go right on with our day. However, wrapping up our workout with a cool-down is going to help our body recover quicker. Finish up your workout with 5-10 minutes of very low-intense activity. This will gradually lower your heart rate and bring your body back into a resting state. Finish up your cool-down with several minutes of full-body stretching. Stretching will allow your muscles to relax, which can ease soreness and cramping. Recover Complete an extra intense workout or [...]

Hydrating for Peak Performance

Healthy Hydration is a Key to Peak Performance Read time: 2 min 56 sec Water is essential for life; about 60 percent of your body is made up of water. Staying well-hydrated keeps our joints lubricated, our body temperature and blood pressure stable, and allows our cells to function in a healthy coordinated way. Keeping your body at a peak performance level means drinking enough water daily, in addition to regular exercise and a well-balanced diet.  Recommendations for daily fluid intake vary by age, gender, activity level, and overall health. General recommendations for water intake is 9 cups a day for women and about 12.5 cups a day for men. Fluid needs vary for individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding, have congestive heart failure, or have been diagnosed with kidney disease. One easy way to monitor your fluid status is [...]