Enhancing Your Sleep Routine for Better Rest

Getting enough quality sleep can seem like an elusive task these days. Implementing a bedtime routine will help you prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for sleep. It consists of relaxing activities that ready your mind and relax your body so you can fall asleep faster and stay asleep. Practicing a bedtime routine enhances your sleep-wake cycle to create a habit of knowing when to sleep and when to wake. As you personalize your sleep routine to fit your needs and preferences, consider these tips to make it as successful as possible. Set a Bedtime Start by choosing a bedtime that can be around the same time each day and will give you adequate hours of sleep. Then, aim to begin your bedtime routine about thirty minutes or more prior. Even a shorter routine of 10 minutes can be beneficial to [...]

8 Tips for Exercising Safely

Regular exercise provides many health benefits, from weight management to disease prevention. However, safety is paramount to avoid unnecessary injuries or setbacks. We’ve compiled eight tips to help you exercise safely and get the most out of your workout session. Get the Green Light from Your Doctor Before beginning a new exercise routine, or if it’s been a while since you’ve consistently exercised, you should consult your physician first. Working with your doctor helps determine your readiness for activity, guidelines and adaptations for injuries or conditions, and when an exercise professional could be helpful. Start Slowly, Increase Gradually Incorporate exercise in small bouts as you’re getting started. Then, slowly increase your duration, intensity, and frequency. Starting slower will allow your body to adapt and develop endurance and strength. If you begin with too much too fast, you can increase the [...]

5 Components of Exercise Recovery

  You just finished up a great workout…Congrats! But now what? Practicing recovery techniques after exercise is essential for getting the most out of your workout and lowering the risk of injury. Incorporate the components below into your routine for maximum recovery. Cool-Down The cool-down is a component of exercise that is frequently overlooked. Too often, we finish our workout and go right on with our day. However, wrapping up our workout with a cool-down is going to help our body recover quicker. Finish up your workout with 5-10 minutes of very low-intense activity. This will gradually lower your heart rate and bring your body back into a resting state. Finish up your cool-down with several minutes of full-body stretching. Stretching will allow your muscles to relax, which can ease soreness and cramping. Recover Complete an extra intense workout or [...]