5 Ways to Take Charge of Your Health During Women’s Health Month

May is women’s health month. This month brings more awareness to the importance of health for women and girls and encourages actionable ways to make it a top priority. Our plates are constantly full as women. We care for other people and things daily, while our own needs often slip to the bottom of the to-do list. Let this time be your reminder to take stock of your health and learn to prioritize your care. Prevention Regular preventive physicals and screenings are a necessary part of healthcare. They help establish baselines, acknowledge family history, and monitor any changes in health that could become more serious. While preventive health is equally important for men and women, there are a handful of conditions that are more prevalent in women, including Breast Cancer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Osteoporosis, and Stroke (Advent Health1). For many [...]

The Perfect Picnic

Sunny weather is here again! And what's more perfect for picnics? With picnics in mind, we thought we'd write some helpful hints on ways to keep picnics fun, simple, and healthy. Remember back to our "Building A Healthy Salad" article, we used the Plate Method as a starting point for building a great salad. Many of those same principles, plus the tips in this article, can be used to plan for The Perfect Picnic! To review, the plate method encourages filling at least half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, a quarter of it with lean protein and the remainder with whole grains and fruits. Stay Ahead of Dehydration with Water, Fruits and Vegetables It's always important to ensure adequate hydration, especially with any increase in physical activity. While packing our food for the day, we might accidentally forget to [...]

Ditch the Diets

  The dieting industry is a multi-billion dollar industry for a reason. The reason you keep seeing all of these new trendy diets hitting the market is because diets don’t work! Millions of Americans attempt to lose weight each year by purchasing diet pills, meal plans, and other various dieting programs. Only to fail miserably. The truth is, it's not your fault. For years we have been taking the wrong approach, restriction is not the answer. Psychologically, dietary restraint can lead to greater reactivity to food cues, increased cravings, and indulgence. This, in-turn can cause overeating and binge eating. Biologically, dieting can lead to unhealthy changes in body composition, hormonal changes, reduced bone density, menstrual disturbances, and lower resting energy expenditure. The smartest decision you can make is to ditch the dieting and restriction mentality. Instead, incorporate healthy foods into [...]

Healthy Grilling 101

  Grilling becomes a convenient, delicious, and fun way to prepare food. While grilling can be a healthy method of cooking, the National Cancer Institute cautions that grilling certain meats, poultry and fish at high heat over open flames can cause carcinogens to form on the food. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables do not form carcinogens when they are charred. Here are a few tips to consider keeping the food you’re grilling healthy and safe for family and friends. Start with Seasoning - Marinades and dry rubs can add great flavor and reduce the formation of carcinogens on grilled meat, poultry, and fish. Make your own marinades and dry rubs. Store bought versions often contain added sugars and large amounts of sodium. Limiting your added sugar and sodium intake are key parts of a healthy diet according to [...]

Legume Pasta

Have you ever heard a dietitian nutritionist tell you to eat more legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils)? Wish they told you to eat more pasta instead? Believe it or not, there is a solution. If you’re a regular shopper of the pasta aisle, you may have noticed that things now look a lot more colorful. Those orange, green, and black noodles haven’t expired, they’re made from legumes instead of flour! Legume-based pastas are much higher in fiber and protein than their wheat-based counterparts and can be used the exact same way. Chickpea pasta is currently the easiest variety to find at any big box grocer, and its mild flavor is well-suited for nearly any pasta dish. Lentil and black bean varieties are available too! Toss with a classic Italian red sauce or with Asian stir-fry veggies. Feeling something simpler? [...]