Grab and Go Breakfast

  The most important meal of the day - breakfast! And now that kids are heading back to school, it is even more important to fuel their brains for the day. Studies show that kids and adults who eat breakfast are more alert, think clearer, and have improved moods. Eating breakfast decreases our risk for heart disease, improves digestion, and builds strong bones. What better way to set your family’s day for success than incorporating a nutritious breakfast? Don’t skip breakfast! Even though breakfast is the most important meal of the day, nearly half the population is still skipping a morning meal! Do you bypass breakfast to make your hectic mornings easier? Unfortunately, this tactic can backfire leading to unwanted weight gain and hunger throughout the day. Here are some fun and convenient ways to assure you and the kids [...]

Healthy Grilling 101

  Grilling becomes a convenient, delicious, and fun way to prepare food. While grilling can be a healthy method of cooking, the National Cancer Institute cautions that grilling certain meats, poultry and fish at high heat over open flames can cause carcinogens to form on the food. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables do not form carcinogens when they are charred. Here are a few tips to consider keeping the food you’re grilling healthy and safe for family and friends. Start with Seasoning - Marinades and dry rubs can add great flavor and reduce the formation of carcinogens on grilled meat, poultry, and fish. Make your own marinades and dry rubs. Store bought versions often contain added sugars and large amounts of sodium. Limiting your added sugar and sodium intake are key parts of a healthy diet according to [...]

Recipe-Overnight Oats

Overnight oats is the perfect grab and go breakfast recipe to make your mornings a breeze! Overnight oats are a no-cook method of making a nutritious and delicious breakfast with oatmeal. Instead of cooking the oats over a stovetop, simply add milk to a jar with oats and let sit overnight. Not only is oatmeal a delicious start to the day, they are also packed with essential nutrients like fiber and antioxidants. Overnight Oats 3 ways: Directions: Add oats, almond milk, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, sweetener of choice, and vanilla extract to a mason jar or cup. Stir until combined and there are no clumps. Cover with lid or plastic wrap. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight. Toppings can be added the night before or immediately before serving. Uncover and enjoy from the glass container [...]

Natural Ways to Maximize Energy

Energy is both a physical and mental resource. If you use caffeine or another energy product on a daily basis, take a moment to understand the potential health effects of your daily habit. Also understand that there are many positive strategies that can help you boost energy, productivity and concentration. These lifestyle habits also allow you to minimize the use of artificial stimulants and reduce the potential for harmful side effects if they are used. Here are our Top 7 Caffeine-Free Energy Boosters: Fiber + Protein While simple carbohydrates found in energy bars and drinks boost blood sugar quickly, they often leave you feeling depleted shortly after the initial energy boost. Instead of buying these so-called energy products, eat whole foods for energy. Complex carbohydrates, also known as high fiber foods, are a better choice for sustained energy especially when [...]

Fitting Exercise into a Busy Schedule

  Cue giggle and eye-roll. This is after your doctor says, “just exercise a few days a week”. It’s an uphill battle finding time to exercise consistently when our schedules are jam-packed and constantly changing. It’s not uncommon to feel like we are short on time, don’t have enough equipment, or are simply struggling to keep-up. First and foremost, we need to commit to making exercise a priority. Then, we can work on ways of creatively squeezing exercise into our busy schedules. Short on Time Often, we have an idea in our head that we need to set aside a large chunk of our day for exercise. On busy days, and with an ever-changing schedule, it can be difficult to carve out even 30 minutes regularly. Luckily, exercise sessions don’t all need to be this long. Studies have shown that [...]

Flu Vaccines in the Time of Corona

Influenza or “flu” is caused by a contagious virus that infects your lungs and respiratory system. There are different strains of the influenza virus that are passed around the world. Symptoms of the flu may be mild or severe, and include fever, dry cough, sore throat, muscle aches and generally feeling tired and sick. Will the virus be worse this year since we are not wearing masks? Influenza viruses are spread by droplets that enter the respiratory system through our nose and mouth. Washing your hands is the best defense, but masks also reduce the likelihood of many types of respiratory (lung) infections. As the seasons change and we move indoors, viruses become more robust (cold, drier weather keeps them infectious longer) and that is why more people get sick during the winter months. If I get the flu vaccine, [...]

Seasonal Health: The Science Behind Flu Shots

The Science Behind Flu Shots Although influenza circulates all year, flu virus activity starts increasing in October and spikes between December and February. That means it’s time to start considering how you’ll protect yourself—and the people around you—this flu season. As with other viruses, you can reduce the chance of getting sick by regularly washing your hands and limiting contact with sick people. But influenza is different from others because it can be potentially life-threatening. During the 2017-2018 flu season, influenza contributed to nearly 80,000 deaths. It’s estimated, however, that 2017-2018’s flu vaccine helped prevent 7 million flu cases, 109,000 flu hospitalizations, and 8,000 flu deaths. The Centers for Disease Control strongly recommends an annual flu vaccine for everyone six months of age and older as the best way to keep yourself and others healthy during flu season. Here’s some [...]

Get a Dose of Nature

Get a Dose of Nature You likely already do things to help cut down on daily stress. Perhaps you meditate for a few minutes each day; practice self-care rituals; or choose to eat a well-balanced diet that promotes sustained energy and mental clarity. But have you ever considered what spending time outdoors can do for you? Think about it; outdoor-living was the only option for our ancestors. Over time, human brains formed an innate connection with nature, one that can be difficult to uphold with indoor-based living. This relatively recent change to living and working indoors comes with apparent advantages, i.e.,  protection from harsh weather, but our brains never abandoned the instinctual desire to connect with nature. This desire to spend time outside can be demonstrated by the mental and physical health benefits that occur when we get in touch [...]

April is National Volunteer Month

National Volunteer Month April is National Volunteer Month, but volunteer work any time of year is important for the health of both you and your community! Nearly one in three American adults (77 million!) volunteer each year, contributing a collective 6.9 billion hours of service at an estimated value of $167 billion. But did you know that helping others could help you too? Helping your community is what matters most, but when performed altruistically, volunteering has mental and physical health benefits for volunteers themselves. Research has shown positive associations between volunteering and improved health in older age demonstrated by longer lifespan, higher cognitive function, and lower rates of depression. It’s hypothesized that knowing your actions make a lasting impact on those you serve helps you feel better about yourself, thus reducing stress. Volunteering can also offer a new sense of [...]

Slide into Exercise

Do the slide! Are furniture sliders the answer to overcoming your workout rut? If you have a little open floor space in your home or office, you can challenge every muscle in your body with a set of inexpensive furniture sliders. Using furniture sliders, or core discs, offers the same challenge of walking on ice, but without the fall risk! You’ll improve your balance and open yourself up to a whole new world of low-impact core exercises. Even better, you don’t even need actual furniture or core sliders to get started; paper plates or a couple washcloths on a hard-surfaced floor work too. Want an official set? Search online for “core discs.” There’s plenty of options for less than $10. While you’re at it, check out these 31 exercises for a full body workout with your sliders of choice: