Back to Exercise Basics

  So, you want to create an exercise habit, but this is a new area for you. Or maybe it’s just been a while since you’ve had a good, consistent routine. Class is officially in session, and we’re going to take a closer look at the basics of exercise. When you start with the building blocks that form a solid foundation, it is easier to begin and stick to your exercise goals long-term. What are the Recommendations? First, let’s review the Physical Activity Guidelines set by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the U.S. Department of Health. Adults are encouraged to participate in at least 150 – 300 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic activity each week. A combination of varying intensities is beneficial as well. Additionally, adults are encouraged to incorporate muscle-strengthening exercises that [...]

5 Tips for Managing School and Your Stress

  A new school year is a busy and exciting time for students of any age. However, all that excitement can bring a lot of extra stress. Settling back into a routine can be a breath of fresh air after the summer break, but between changes in schedules, homework, tests, and day-to-day responsibilities, life can start to feel overwhelming quickly. We’re going to explore five different ways that can help you manage stress this school year. Stay Organized Nothing makes stress levels spike like losing an assignment or completely forgetting about a test. Clutter of the mind or physical clutter around you can leave you with your wheels spinning, unsure of what to do next. Even if you don’t consider organization one of your strong suits, there are several easy habits you can incorporate to keep your school responsibilities in [...]

Easy Weeknight Meals

Make Time for Dinner Back to school brings the return of homework, weeknight sports practices, and very little time for much else. Although preparing dinner may feel like a chore, there are various strategies for making dinner both healthy and easy during a busy school week. If preparing a healthy meal comes at the expense of spending quality time with family, household chores, or squeezing in time to exercise, then these easy weeknight meal tips may be for you. Tip #1: Plan Creating a plan for weeknight dinners will prevent the dread from setting in when hearing “what are we having for dinner tonight?” Taking a small amount of time during the weekend to plan out each dinner will make sure you are ready for the week. Planning out meals also helps pull together your grocery list effortlessly. Fun meal [...]

Healthy Home Cafe

Enjoying coffee in your pajamas while you sit in the silence of your home. The coffee is decadent, and you ponder how you got such a great cup of coffee without leaving the house. You remember what you added to the large pour of coffee, and it dawns on you the number of calories! It is delicious because of the amount of sugar, cream and flavors that are masking the actual coffee flavor. Coffee can be a low-calorie healthy, yes healthy, beverage. The caffeine in coffee and tea can be beneficial to our health. Find out what makes coffee and tea a healthy option. Then elevate the health-effects of your hot beverage bar with these tips. Coffee We know that coffee increases alertness, but is it good for you? Or at the very least, is it harmless? Coffee does have [...]

One-Pot Cooking

After working all day, finding something to make for dinner can sometimes be a pain. Who wants to spend their evenings stuck in the kitchen prepping healthy ingredients? And after dinner comes the “best” part - cleaning up the dirty dishes! This scenario leads many to order local takeout or make their way to the fast food lane. Why Choose One-Pot Meals?  Instead of grabbing a bite to eat out, make a healthy meal at home with just one pot! While eating out is convenient and saves time on clean-up, studies show that those who consume more meals at home consume fewer calories, less fat, sugar, and sodium compared to those who eat out. Your next healthy meal is just one dish away! Convenience And Healthy Combined  One-pot meals are dishes that are easy to make and a breeze to [...]

Grab and Go Breakfast

  The most important meal of the day - breakfast! And now that kids are heading back to school, it is even more important to fuel their brains for the day. Studies show that kids and adults who eat breakfast are more alert, think clearer, and have improved moods. Eating breakfast decreases our risk for heart disease, improves digestion, and builds strong bones. What better way to set your family’s day for success than incorporating a nutritious breakfast? Don’t skip breakfast! Even though breakfast is the most important meal of the day, nearly half the population is still skipping a morning meal! Do you bypass breakfast to make your hectic mornings easier? Unfortunately, this tactic can backfire leading to unwanted weight gain and hunger throughout the day. Here are some fun and convenient ways to assure you and the kids [...]

How to Meal Prep Healthy Lunches

  “BEEP! BEEP! BEEP” the alarm seems so much louder on the first day of school! Back to school can be a stressful time between trying to adjust to all the new schedules, as well as making sure everyone is organized and fed. This includes school lunches that need packed. This can feel like an annoying chore, adding to the morning chaos. Until someone figures out how to make lunches pack themselves, here are some tips to streamline your busy mornings. Meal Prep!  That’s right - meal prep. This is the key to a healthy week and is helpful for all. Preparing nutritious foods will save stress and time before heading out of the house for the day. Have a flexible plan for the week. Pick something to be the “main” component of your lunch like a whole grain sandwich [...]

Back to School, September 2020

Back to School, Fall 2020 Read Time: 1 min 35 sec The global pandemic is presenting challenges to school systems across the country. In an effort to balance the benefits of on-site learning with public health, many school districts are moving forward with in-person classes or a hybrid of in-person and remote. Other districts favor completely remote learning. Each scenario presents new challenges but working together with your children’s teachers can help keep everyone healthy and engaged. Back to School Resources from the CDC Heading back to the classroom this fall can be exciting for students. For younger children, the uncertainty of a new classroom environment, different routines, and protocols to follow may prove to be stressful. To start a conversation about these uncertainties, utilize the CDC’s talking points to help address questions children may have about entering back into [...]

School Supply Drive Benefits Children

Employees from Be Well Solutions, a Solon-based wellness company, display some of the more than 2,000 school supplies that were recently collected and then donated to the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services. The top three donating employees brought in more than 215 items.