Sleep and Tea

It is ironic that Caffeine Awareness Month is the same as Sleep Awareness Month. Before we plan to hit the pillow, eliminating caffeine within six hours of bedtime is a good idea. Thankfully caffeine-free teas come in several satisfying varieties.  Use these teas to add an herbal benefit toward healthier sleep. Tea and Caffeine Generally, tea has less caffeine than coffee does. But the amount of caffeine varies depending on the way the tea is processed. There are 2 main varieties of tea, Camellia sinensis and Herbal. Camellia sinensis tea, depending on the processing of the leaf, is used to make black, green, and white teas. Camellia sinensis teas vary in caffeine content and can be processed to produce a decaffeinated version. Herbal tea is a combination of any plant life other than the camellia sinensis. Herbal teas do not [...]

Healthy Home Cafe

Enjoying coffee in your pajamas while you sit in the silence of your home. The coffee is decadent, and you ponder how you got such a great cup of coffee without leaving the house. You remember what you added to the large pour of coffee, and it dawns on you the number of calories! It is delicious because of the amount of sugar, cream and flavors that are masking the actual coffee flavor. Coffee can be a low-calorie healthy, yes healthy, beverage. The caffeine in coffee and tea can be beneficial to our health. Find out what makes coffee and tea a healthy option. Then elevate the health-effects of your hot beverage bar with these tips. Coffee We know that coffee increases alertness, but is it good for you? Or at the very least, is it harmless? Coffee does have [...]

Caffeine and Health

“Whenever I get to a new city, the first thing I do is to scope out the nearest Starbucks”, a woman told me the other day while on vacation hauling her familiar cup, sleeve and lid. “There’s nothing like this coffee” she continued. And she was right. In terms of caffeine content, Starbucks trumps other coffees hands down. A typical 16 oz. cup of regular coffee contains between 100 and 200 mg of caffeine and a regular strength “No-Doz” tablet has 100 mg. Starbucks contains 330 mg. Energy and productivity are essential for a healthy, meaningful life. People have used simple stimulants like caffeine for centuries. Everyday more and more people look for ways to improve their mental and physical focus. Many people turn to coffee for a liquid energy boost but there are newer preparations on the market. Energy [...]

Iced Tea for Health

  What would your life be like without the 1904 World's Fair? Many of our fun food staples hit the American taste buds at the fair, including the hamburger, hot dog, peanut butter, ice cream cone, cotton candy, and iced tea. During that time, iced tea became a staple of American culture. Health Benefits Heart Health and Cancer Risk There are health protecting properties to plants called phytochemicals.  Research is constantly being done about how different phytochemicals correlate to health and wellness. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, usually called EGCG, is a phytochemical found in high amounts in green tea. EGCG has been linked to decreasing inflammation and better heart health . Researchers have also linked a decreased risk of breast, colorectal and prostate cancer with some of the properties in green tea. Nutrition Minerals such as manganese, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc vary [...]