5 Benefits of Outdoor Workouts for Mind and Body

As the warmer, sunny weather rolls around, our motivation to move more tends to rise. We might feel more inclined to take a quick walk outside during our lunch break or hike with friends on the weekend. The weather can certainly impact our will to exercise, but did you know outdoor activity can benefit the mind and body? Let’s explore five reasons to get outside and get moving. Stress and Mental Health Management Research has shown that outdoor activity can help decrease feelings of anger and depression while improving mood (ACE Fitness1). Sunlight increases our body’s production of the hormone serotonin. Serotonin is known for being a mood booster and promotes feelings of calmness (Healthline2). Studies have also shown that the Vitamin D we get from time spent in the sunshine also helps to stabilize mood and lower depression risk [...]

Stress Less: Response vs. Reaction

Stressful situations arise often, but they are not always in our control. However, the way we respond or react in these situations is something we can control. While these two words may sound similar, they are two very different approaches to managing stress. Let’s explore how your approach can make all the difference in daily stress management. It’s Natural to React Our bodies naturally react whenever they encounter a stressful situation. Once our brain recognizes a real or perceived threat, it tells our automatic nervous system (ANS) that it is time to act. The ANS first signals our sympathetic nervous system by increasing stress hormone production and initiating our flight or fight reaction. This reaction causes quick changes in bodily function, such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, elevated blood pressure, contracted muscles, and digestive changes. When the stressor passes, [...]

Balancing Hormones with Exercise: The Link Between Fitness and Hormonal Health

Exercise can impact each system of the body, including the endocrine system. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine1, “The endocrine system is a complex network of glands and organs. It uses hormones to control and coordinate your body's metabolism, energy level, reproduction, growth and development, and response to injury, stress, and mood.” Exercise influences hormone production, making the two directly related. Let’s explore a few areas where fitness and hormonal health are related. Blood Sugar and Exercise Insulin is a hormone that helps our bodies properly use or store glucose. During exercise, insulin production slows down so our bodies can focus on using the glucose for energy rather than storing it for future use. The body will also increase the production of the hormone glucagon during exercise to prevent blood sugar from going too low. Glucagon helps convert glycogen (stored glucose) [...]

Holistic Approaches to Managing Chronic Stress and Anxiety

Stress can impact everybody system, making it necessary to consider a holistic approach to managing it. While we can’t eliminate all stress, combining physical, mental, and social strategies can help build effective and lasting ways to be more resilient during stressful times. Balanced Nutrition Anytime we’re in stressful situations, it’s common to notice appetite changes. Whether we’re prone to snacking on anything in sight, skipping meals, or craving comfort foods, our nutrition typically takes a hit. However, balanced nutrition is one of our body’s top energy sources, and it can help us healthily manage stress. You don't need to begin a strict or extreme fad diet that can cause even more stress. Instead, think about ways to be more mindful of your eating. Intentionally incorporate more colorful fruits, veggies, lean protein, and whole grains in your meals and snacks. Make [...]

Thriving During the Holidays

The holidays are a special time of year filled with wonder and excitement. However, with all the hustle and bustle, they can quickly become stressful, anxiety-inducing, and even depressing. Holidays can be full of nostalgia and endless expectations. It’s a time when we can be overwhelmed with family get-togethers, yet our hearts can ache for those who cannot be there. Our schedules start to overflow with events, and our healthy habits tend to go out the window as quickly as our budget for the season. With all these demands and constantly changing feelings, it can be difficult to get through the holidays, let alone enjoy them. Let’s look at several ways to make this season less frightful and more delightful. Make a Plan Schedules and emotions are always easier to manage when you have a plan. Prioritize your list of [...]

Sleep, Stress, and Your Immune System

Days can pile up with stress and lead to nights of little sleep. We’re all too familiar with how frustrating this can be. Did you know that it can also cause our immune system to take a hit? Our stress and sleep have direct correlations with how our immune system functions. Prioritizing sleep and stress management is an integral part of staying healthy. How Does Sleep Affect Your Immune System? Sleep is necessary for your body to ward off sickness and infection. It can also help to reduce recovery time whenever you’re fighting sickness. While sleeping, the body ramps up the production of cytokines. According to the American Cancer Society, “Cytokines are small proteins that are crucial in controlling the growth and activity of other immune system cells and blood cells. When released, they signal the immune system to do [...]

5 Tips for Managing School and Your Stress

  A new school year is a busy and exciting time for students of any age. However, all that excitement can bring a lot of extra stress. Settling back into a routine can be a breath of fresh air after the summer break, but between changes in schedules, homework, tests, and day-to-day responsibilities, life can start to feel overwhelming quickly. We’re going to explore five different ways that can help you manage stress this school year. Stay Organized Nothing makes stress levels spike like losing an assignment or completely forgetting about a test. Clutter of the mind or physical clutter around you can leave you with your wheels spinning, unsure of what to do next. Even if you don’t consider organization one of your strong suits, there are several easy habits you can incorporate to keep your school responsibilities in [...]

Spending Time Outdoors to De-Stress

Our days can be full of hustle and bustle, from long hours at the office to shuttling kids around all evening. It’s easy to see why stress can increase as our free time decreases. While we can’t always control the stress that comes our way, we can work to manage it better. Spending time outside is a beneficial strategy for stress management. Studies have shown that time spent in nature, even just a few minutes, can positively impact the body and mind in many different ways. Lift Your Mood Vitamin D is certainly important for maintaining strong bones, but did you know that recent studies have found it to help improve mood? According to Healthline, research has shown that Vitamin D might play an important role in regulating mood and decreasing the risk of depression. If you need a little [...]

Stress Eating

The strongest food cravings seem to hit when you are at your weakest point. I’m sure we can all think about a time when the stress of life was piling up, and in turn we coped by eating a pile of cookies. Many people experience stress eating, but making a habit of it can be detrimental to our weight loss goals. There is much power behind the term “stress eating”. Stress, the hormones it releases, and coping strategies involving comfort foods, all can factor into overeating. Research has shown that both stress and weight gain go hand in hand, which is alarming when nearly a fourth of Americans rate their stress as an 8 out of a 10-point scale. So, why do we turn to food in times of stress? Stress Eating, Hunger, and Hormones Appetite can react to stress [...]

Exercise for Stress Relief

Our days can be full of stressful situations and feelings. No matter how much we’d like to get rid of stress altogether, we find that is virtually impossible. Instead, a more realistic approach is to manage how we react and respond to stress. Exercise has numerous benefits for the body, including stress relief. It increases the body’s production of endorphins, which are hormones that act as natural pain relievers and encourage feelings of pleasure (Mayo Clinic). Physical activity is a good way to give your mind a rest by focusing on the present moment. It’s known to help improve your mood by lowering feelings of depression and anxiety. When we’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to turn to unhealthy coping habits like extra snacking or drinking. Exercise provides a healthier choice for coping. Let’s look at several examples of exercises that [...]