Sleep, Stress, and Your Immune System

Days can pile up with stress and lead to nights of little sleep. We’re all too familiar with how frustrating this can be. Did you know that it can also cause our immune system to take a hit? Our stress and sleep have direct correlations with how our immune system functions. Prioritizing sleep and stress management is an integral part of staying healthy. How Does Sleep Affect Your Immune System? Sleep is necessary for your body to ward off sickness and infection. It can also help to reduce recovery time whenever you’re fighting sickness. While sleeping, the body ramps up the production of cytokines. According to the American Cancer Society, “Cytokines are small proteins that are crucial in controlling the growth and activity of other immune system cells and blood cells. When released, they signal the immune system to do [...]

Immune Health: Can You Boost Your Immune System?

Can You Boost Your Immune System? With the outbreak of COVID-19 many individuals have been wondering what they can do to “boost” their immune system naturally. Unfortunately, there is no single food, nutrient, or exercise that has been proven to prevent or treat COVID-19. A strong immune system is maintained by lifestyle habits, not single actions. You can work to support your immune system by practicing good nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management habits. All of these healthy lifestyle components support your immune system during times of illness or injury. While they won’t prevent you from getting sick, they may help reduce the severity of symptoms or duration of the illness. Supporting your immune system with diet Balanced nutrition is essential for maintaining a strong immune system. Focus on a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, whole [...]