5 Benefits of Outdoor Workouts for Mind and Body

As the warmer, sunny weather rolls around, our motivation to move more tends to rise. We might feel more inclined to take a quick walk outside during our lunch break or hike with friends on the weekend. The weather can certainly impact our will to exercise, but did you know outdoor activity can benefit the mind and body? Let’s explore five reasons to get outside and get moving. Stress and Mental Health Management Research has shown that outdoor activity can help decrease feelings of anger and depression while improving mood (ACE Fitness1). Sunlight increases our body’s production of the hormone serotonin. Serotonin is known for being a mood booster and promotes feelings of calmness (Healthline2). Studies have also shown that the Vitamin D we get from time spent in the sunshine also helps to stabilize mood and lower depression risk [...]

Tips for Cold Weather Running

Calling all Turkey Trotters and Jingle Runners! The races are ramping up, but the temperatures are starting to plummet. Even though the weather is getting colder, your running season doesn’t have to stop. With the proper planning, you can continue your training and enjoy race day. Proper Preparation Training. Preparing yourself for a successful event starts well before race day.  Pay attention to the forecast, temperature, and wind-chill and, then plan each run accordingly. Try out your cold-weather gear and layers before race day, so you’re familiar with them. Be mindful to include cross-training and adequate rest and recovery days to help lower the risk of injury. Since weather can be so unpredictable, you might find that winter is best for maintenance mileage rather than trying to PR. Fuel. Fueling up for your exercise is just as important on a [...]

Shake Up Your Exercise with a HIIT Workout

    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of workout that alternates brief periods of vigorous exercise with periods of moderate activity, or rest (recovery). For example, a person could run for 30 seconds and then walk for three minutes. The periods of vigorous exercise and periods of rest/recovery can vary, as can the intensity levels of both. This allows HIIT workouts to be very adaptable to each individual and their fitness levels. The popularity of HIIT has remained on the rise thanks to continued research supporting it as an efficient and effective way to get and stay fit. HIIT is an excellent way for you to improve your fitness level and health, but it does require pushing your body to a higher intensity, so take your level of fitness into account before starting. Consulting a doctor before beginning [...]

Spring into Action

Spring into Action Read Time: 2 minutes 58 seconds Spring is in the air, and it is the perfect time to get moving. As you find more motivation to get outside, you might be wondering how to keep that motivation going as you build a lasting exercise routine. A few simple steps of preparation can help you get started and stay on track this season. Finding Motivation Finding motivation can be tricky. While we might have that initial spark to start moving, how do we stay motivated? Busy days, unexpected schedule changes, and fatigue can all steal our motivation. Use the tips below to help find long-lasting motivation: Choose Your “Why.” Think about why exercise is important to you. You might have goals that you want to reach or an example you would like to follow. No matter where your [...]