Top 10 Outdoor Activities for Spring

Spring is the time of year when exercise starts to sound a little more motivating again. Warmer temperatures and more daylight might make it easier to be active outdoors, but where do we even begin? Grab the whole family and check out 10 of our favorite ways to get moving this season.   Take a Walk After a long winter, fresh air and sunshine feel so good! Walking is a great form of exercise and can even help with stress management. Try hiking a trail in a local park. Or get the entire family involved and go for a short walk after dinner.   Plant a Garden Planting a garden can be a relaxing and rewarding activity. Whether you’re planting colorful flowers or delicious fruits and veggies, you’re sure to add a pop of color to Spring. Tending and watering the garden [...]

Spring into Action

Spring into Action Read Time: 2 minutes 58 seconds Spring is in the air, and it is the perfect time to get moving. As you find more motivation to get outside, you might be wondering how to keep that motivation going as you build a lasting exercise routine. A few simple steps of preparation can help you get started and stay on track this season. Finding Motivation Finding motivation can be tricky. While we might have that initial spark to start moving, how do we stay motivated? Busy days, unexpected schedule changes, and fatigue can all steal our motivation. Use the tips below to help find long-lasting motivation: Choose Your “Why.” Think about why exercise is important to you. You might have goals that you want to reach or an example you would like to follow. No matter where your [...]