Meatless Monday

Start your week off right by taking part in a Meatless Monday! Meatless Monday is a global movement aimed at encouraging others to reduce meat in their diets - not only for our health, but also the health of the planet. Why Monday you ask? Research shows that people are more apt to start healthy behaviors on the first working day of the week as it works as a “reset” from the weekend. Furthermore, ditching meat once a week is a way to save on your grocery bill. Health Benefits Converting to a plant-based diet is a low-cost way to manage your risk for chronic disease and cancer. Cutting our daily meat intake just one day a week can help us to maintain a healthy weight and reduce our blood pressure. Skipping meat and swapping it out for plant-based proteins [...]

Cast a Line for Sustainable Seafood

If the planet’s health is top of mind, you’ve likely considered the environmental impact of the food you eat. According to the EAT-Lancet report (download the summary here) global adoption of a flexitarian diet is best for conserving planetary health while meeting our growing population’s nutritional needs. A flexitarian diet is one that includes generous amounts of plant-based foods and moderate amounts of meat, poultry, and seafood. In other words, replacing animal foods in your diet with plant foods can help us meet the needs of our current population without compromising the future generation’s ability to meet their own. While a flexitarian diet is environmentally sustainable itself, responsible sourcing of its components, especially the animal-based ones, can make an even bigger impact. Identifying sustainable seafood—an important source of protein, vitamin B12, and vitamin D in the flexitarian diet—can be challenging. [...]