Building a Home Gym

Remote work and varying schedules have caused home workouts to become increasingly popular. This rise in popularity has encouraged people to consider creating space in their homes specifically for exercise to make it more convenient and consistent. Building the proper space might feel daunting, so you might be wondering where to start when it comes to setting it up. Consider the following aspects to help you design a space that fits your needs within your budget. Plan Your Space Start by planning out your space. While it might be a dreamy option, home gyms do not need to be large spaces filled with expensive equipment. Even the corner of a small room can offer plenty of space if planned appropriately. Think about the type of workouts you intend to do, how much space will be adequate, and what equipment, if [...]

Exercise: Stay Motivated this Winter

Stay Motivated This Winter Read Time: 1 min 20 sec The temperatures are starting to plummet, which means motivation for exercise can go down as well. If you’re feeling bored or unmotivated, this can be the perfect time to change things up and find a spark. Keep in mind, the goal of being active is for at least 30 minutes nearly every day, but the 30 minutes should never feel boring. If it does, add some variety to keep things fresh.   Try Something New Schedules change as fast as the weather this time of year, but that can provide you the opportunity to change your workout routine. Variety is important when it comes to exercise. Diverse exercise routines target different muscle groups and reduce the risk of overuse injuries. Altering your training can help you get over those pesky [...]