5 UV Safety Tips for Your Summer Vacation

Summer is here, and it’s time for fun in the sun! Whether you relax on the beach or go for a long hike, time spent outdoors benefits your mind and body. However, too much sun exposure can quickly ruin a good thing and increase your risk of sun damage, premature skin aging, and skin cancer. While planning your next summer vacation, add these UV safety tips to your itinerary and bring home memories instead of a sunburn. Seek Shade During Peak Sun Hours Ultraviolet (UV) Rays are strongest during peak sun hours between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1). During those hours, it is a good idea to find adequate shade and limit time in direct sunlight. Bring an umbrella or have ample shade available. Be extra mindful of areas with water and sand, which [...]

Healthy Vision Month, July 2020

Healthy Vision Month Read Time: 2 min 4 sec According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 3.4 million Americans 40 years of age or older are blind or visually impaired. For most of us, a decline in vision and eye health is not an inevitable part of aging. In fact, many vision problems could be avoided through simple prevention measures and routine eye exams. Focusing on a healthy lifestyle and protecting your eyes from outside elements (UV rays) are some of the best ways to protect your eyes and vision. Even if you lead a healthy lifestyle and do not currently have any eye issues, it is still important to have your vision checked each year. According to the CDC, nearly one in five adults in the US are at high risk for serious vision loss, [...]