5 UV Safety Tips for Your Summer Vacation

Summer is here, and it’s time for fun in the sun! Whether you relax on the beach or go for a long hike, time spent outdoors benefits your mind and body. However, too much sun exposure can quickly ruin a good thing and increase your risk of sun damage, premature skin aging, and skin cancer. While planning your next summer vacation, add these UV safety tips to your itinerary and bring home memories instead of a sunburn. Seek Shade During Peak Sun Hours Ultraviolet (UV) Rays are strongest during peak sun hours between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1). During those hours, it is a good idea to find adequate shade and limit time in direct sunlight. Bring an umbrella or have ample shade available. Be extra mindful of areas with water and sand, which [...]

Men’s Health Month

In the United States, June is designated as Men’s Health Month. The goal is to raise awareness about the ways men can improve and maintain their health. The five most important things that men can do for their health are to be tobacco free, stay physically active, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight for your height, and get recommended screening tests. In addition to the top five, there are other health behaviors that can increase your likelihood of living a long, healthy life. Below are details about important health behaviors for men: Be Tobacco Free - This includes smokeless tobacco products as well. See our articles about Smoking and Vaping , and reach out to a Be Well Solutions Health Coach to enroll in our Kick Nic smoking cessation program. Stay Physically Active - Aside from being tobacco [...]

All About Sunscreen

You may have seen sunscreen in the news after a government-funded study found that twelve common active ingredients may be absorbed into the bloodstream. Only six of the studied ingredients are commonly used in the United States: ensulizole, octisalate, homosalate, octocrylene, octinoxate, oxybenzone, and avobenzone. The study’s author noted that just because ingredients get absorbed doesn’t make them harmful or unsafe; we don’t know enough about these ingredients to deem them as such. All this small pilot study tells us is that these ingredients may enter the body in levels greater than previously understood. The American Academy of Dermatology commented that these ingredients have been used for several decades without any reported side effects in people, so it’s not time to ditch your sunscreen supply (unless it’s expired)! We can soon expect sunscreen manufacturers to fund research to fill knowledge [...]