Cancer Prevention

No matter how healthy we live, cancer can touch our lives. Two out of five Americans will receive a diagnosis of cancer at some point in their lives. One of the best ways to improve our survival chances is to discover cancer as early as possible. We do this with preventive screening exams. What is a preventive screening exam? A preventive screening exam looks for a disease, or risk factors for a disease in a person who has no symptoms or history of disease. Preventive screenings allows doctors to diagnose disease early before symptoms appear, which can increase the likelihood that an effective treatment is available to cure the individual. What are the goals of a preventive screening exam? A screening exam should be easy to administer and interpret, while maximizing true results. Also, if a test is positive, the [...]

Men’s Health Month

In the United States, June is designated as Men’s Health Month. The goal is to raise awareness about the ways men can improve and maintain their health. The five most important things that men can do for their health are to be tobacco free, stay physically active, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight for your height, and get recommended screening tests. In addition to the top five, there are other health behaviors that can increase your likelihood of living a long, healthy life. Below are details about important health behaviors for men: Be Tobacco Free - This includes smokeless tobacco products as well. See our articles about Smoking and Vaping , and reach out to a Be Well Solutions Health Coach to enroll in our Kick Nic smoking cessation program. Stay Physically Active - Aside from being tobacco [...]