5 UV Safety Tips for Your Summer Vacation

Summer is here, and it’s time for fun in the sun! Whether you relax on the beach or go for a long hike, time spent outdoors benefits your mind and body. However, too much sun exposure can quickly ruin a good thing and increase your risk of sun damage, premature skin aging, and skin cancer. While planning your next summer vacation, add these UV safety tips to your itinerary and bring home memories instead of a sunburn. Seek Shade During Peak Sun Hours Ultraviolet (UV) Rays are strongest during peak sun hours between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1). During those hours, it is a good idea to find adequate shade and limit time in direct sunlight. Bring an umbrella or have ample shade available. Be extra mindful of areas with water and sand, which [...]

Solar Safety

Summer is here, calling us outdoors to enjoy picnics, baseball games, gardening, bike rides, beaches, and swimming pools. People have worshipped the sun for thousands of years. Recently, however, avoiding the sun has become all the rage. The threat of cancer, skin damage, wrinkles and a host of other ailments has been attributed to sun exposure. Hats, long sleeve shirts, sunglasses, and sunblock lotion has become the norm. Sunshine—like anything else, it’s all about moderation! Can you get too little sun? What SPF is the best? What is the minimum sun exposure I need to meet my vitamin D requirements? Let’s take a look at the facts: Negative Effects of UV Light Cancer—Ultraviolet Radiation is a leading cause of malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. There is strong evidence that sun exposure is a major factor in the [...]

National Great Outdoors Month- June

June is all about taking the time to explore outdoor historic national treasures. Starting in June of 2019, the US Senate officially honored this summer month as Great Outdoors Month.  Our country is full of unique parks, trails, forests, mountains, and more. One of the best ways to discover nature is by visiting a National Park Service (NPS) Location. With so many options across the US, you’re sure to find something that sparks excitement for the Great Outdoors. Plan Your Visit Before embarking on your next adventure, take time to plan for your visit. You’ll want to consider things like climate, terrain, available facilities, necessary gear, and current weather. The NPS offers a great planning guide on their website. Having a plan before you hit the trail will ensure you are well prepared before, during, and after your trip. Cell [...]

Recipe- Creamy Mango Avocado Smoothie

What’s better than enjoying a nutritious fruit smoothie on a warm summer’s day? This recipe is loaded with in season fruit such as mango and avocados. Avocados are a nutrition powerhouse packed with heart healthy fatty acids that help brain function. Mangoes deliver antioxidants like vitamin A that help lower our risk of developing cancer.  Creamy Mango Avocado Smoothie  Prep time: 1 min Cook time: 2 min  Servings: 2 Ingredients:  ½ large Haas avocado ½ cup mango, diced ½ frozen banana 2 tbsp hemp seeds  1.5 cups skim milk  Dash of vanilla  Ice as needed Optional toppings: coconut flakes, chia seeds, granola Instructions:  Peel avocado and discard pit.  Blend all ingredients together in a blender.  Enjoy plain or in a bowl with toppings.  Calories 234 Total Carbohydrates 26grams, Protein 11grams,  Fat 11grams   This recipe is inspired by our very [...]