Exercise: Back 2 the Basics

Regular exercise can positively influence almost every body system, from managing weight to lowering disease risk. However, navigating the plethora of information about physical activity and exercise can be challenging. We’re returning to the basics to understand the main components of exercise, the current recommendations, and the steps to get started. Aerobic Exercise Aerobic exercise is “any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously and is rhythmic in nature” (World Journal of Cardiology1). These activities require oxygen to produce energy, hence the name aerobic. You might also know them as cardio exercises. Aerobic exercise improves heart health, circulation, endurance, and respiratory health. It can help manage blood sugar, blood pressure, and mental health. Activity examples include running, walking, hiking, cycling, and swimming. Strength Exercise Anaerobic exercise is “intense physical activity of very short duration, fueled by the [...]

5 Tips for Stress-Free Resolutions in the New Year

Happy New Year! What better time to reflect on your past year and formulate your goals for the year ahead than now? Choosing your resolutions for the New Year might be easy, but sticking to them is often stressful and challenging. We start with good intentions, but between living up to our expectations and maintaining consistency, the pressure can become enough to make us throw in the towel. Here are five tips to keep your New Year’s resolutions stress-free and more successful. Be Realistic It’s easy to get excited about setting lofty goals we’d like to reach by the end of the year. But don't let that excitement keep you from setting realistic and attainable goals. Stress can pile on when you bite off more than you can chew. Think about your expectations with your resolutions. Are they realistically in [...]

New Year, New You!

  It’s that time of year again. New year, new resolutions. This year, set yourself up for long-term success by making one or two achievable lifestyle changes. If you try to make too many resolutions at once, you have a higher chance of not meeting your goals. Stay away from fad diets that make false promises which will often end in disappointment. Fad diets restrict your food options and do not create a healthy eating pattern that supports your body. How do you create resolutions which set you up for long-term success? Creating Realistic and Achievable Resolutions Start slow; pick an area to work on and focus on that, whether it is exercising more or changing your diet by adding in more fruits and veggies. Remember that healthy weight loss is considered 1 to 2 lbs per week. Resolutions don’t [...]

Mindful New Year’s Resolutions

A new year is a perfect time for reevaluating and setting new goals.  However, we’re all too familiar with how difficult it can be to stick to those resolutions all year long. We quickly get caught up in the hustle and bustle of a new year, and those good intentions slip down our priority list. Mindfulness is about purposefully focusing on the here and now. It can be a beneficial tool for successfully establishing, reaching, and maintaining new goals this year. Set Your Intention and Attention When setting your intentions for the new year, think about the purpose behind the goal. Why is it important to you? Why is it something you want to accomplish or improve now? What is your motivation? Thinking about your answers to these questions will help you keep your attention tuned into the motivation behind [...]

Goal Setting: New Year, New Habits, January 2021

New Year, New Habits Read Time: 2 min 30 secs The start of a new year signifies a new beginning and new habits! It is a time for setting goals like improving our health, connecting with others, and exercising more. However, according to the U.S. News and World Report, about 80 percent of people fail to stick with their New Year's resolutions, and most give up completely by mid-February. So why are most of us unsuccessful at keeping our New Year's Resolutions? For a lot of us, as we approach the new year, we tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do better than we did last year. This can lead us to set very high, unrealistic goals, which is why we tend to make the same resolutions year after year.  How do we break that cycle? [...]

Healthy Holidays: Resolutions That Stick

Resolutions That Stick Have you ever given up on a resolution because it just didn’t fit your schedule? Sometimes it’s just not realistic to start devoting an extra two hours to healthy eating and exercise when already balancing family time with a demanding work schedule. This year, we encourage you to simplify your resolution list because, all too often, we set ambitious goals that fail to hold past January. You might have an ideal image of yourself for 2020, but remember that significant life changes take longer than just a year. Instead of fizzling out early, try these tips to plan resolutions with staying power. Start slow, then build Say you have the goal to lose ten pounds by spring. Take a step back and consider the realistic daily actions and habits needed to make weight loss happen. Perhaps you [...]