The Science of Recovery: How to Optimize Your Rest Days

Whether your goal in exercise is to get stronger, improve endurance, break a personal record, increase function, manage weight, or feel your best, you’ll need to make rest and recovery part of your plan. Proper recovery allows time for your body to adapt, reach its goals, and keep your regimen more consistent. Whenever this necessary component gets overlooked, it increases the risk of injury and hinders muscle growth and overall progress. Even if you’re not an avid exerciser, you may be familiar with how massage, stretching, and foam rolling can help ease sore muscles, as well as ice and cold therapy can help reduce inflammation. Your rest and recovery shouldn’t stop there. We’ve compiled several more ways to optimize your rest days. Proper Nutrition & Hydration Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, and carbohydrates are stored in muscle [...]

Weigh of Life, Midpoint Success Measures

Weigh of Life | Midpoint Success Measures  Read Time: 1 minute 06 seconds Our January Weigh of Life participants are more than halfway through the 12-week program and have covered topics including the basics of weight management, the purpose of your plate, physical activity, grocery shopping tips, meal planning, dining out, and stress management. Over the next several weeks, we will cover how to work through a plateau, fueling workouts, preparing for special events, and more.  We have compiled data from the first 6 weeks and are excited to share the following success measures.   Midpoint Success Measures Produce consumed has increased by an average of 2.4 servings each week Recorded weekly exercise has increased by an average of 44 minutes Participants from three organizations have collectively increased produce consumption, exercise minutes, and have lost an incredible amount of weight! [...]

Healthy Holidays: Resolutions That Stick

Resolutions That Stick Have you ever given up on a resolution because it just didn’t fit your schedule? Sometimes it’s just not realistic to start devoting an extra two hours to healthy eating and exercise when already balancing family time with a demanding work schedule. This year, we encourage you to simplify your resolution list because, all too often, we set ambitious goals that fail to hold past January. You might have an ideal image of yourself for 2020, but remember that significant life changes take longer than just a year. Instead of fizzling out early, try these tips to plan resolutions with staying power. Start slow, then build Say you have the goal to lose ten pounds by spring. Take a step back and consider the realistic daily actions and habits needed to make weight loss happen. Perhaps you [...]