5 Ways to Incorporate Mindful Moments into Your Day

Life can seem busier every day, making it easy to rush through our busy days on autopilot. Practicing mindfulness allows you to pay attention in the present moment purposefully and without judgment. Instead of quick reactions or thoughtless choices, mindfulness brings intentionality and focus to decision-making. If you’re not sure where to begin when it comes to practicing mindfulness or if you feel like you don’t have time in your day to think about one more thing, here are five easy ways to incorporate mindful moments into your day. Mindful Breaks Even on the busiest day, you can have a mindful break for a few moments. As responsibilities and stress pile up, our thoughts start racing as well. Mindful breaks bring our thoughts back to the present and quiet the chatter. Take a mindful break by practicing several rounds of [...]

Practicing Mindfulness 

How often do we find our minds wandering into a frenzy? Maybe we’re dwelling over something that just happened, worrying about the future, or trying to multitask to get everything done. Our busy lives and schedules have made it extremely difficult to mentally and physically be present. Intentionally practicing mindfulness is a great way to pull our thoughts back into the present moment and focus on the here and now. Mindfulness can help manage the stressors of a wandering mind. What is Mindfulness? Maybe you’ve heard the term mindfulness but wonder what it means. According to Mayo Clinic, mindfulness is “a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.” It’s like hitting the pause button in your brain to intentionally notice yourself and your [...]

Mindful Breathing

We breathe all day long without thinking much about it. But what if we were to stop and pay attention to our inhaling and exhaling? How could that impact our health? Let’s take a look at mindful breathing and how it can enhance our well-being. What Is Mindful Breathing? Mindful breathing combines parts of deep breathing with practicing mindfulness. The aspects of this breathing style bring focus to the present moment. It’s more than just breathing in and breathing out. It’s paying attention to how you feel with each breath. Positive Psychology states, “You are not trying to change your breathing in any way, and because of this, there are no expectations; you are merely aware of the breath from moment to moment.” Mindful breathing can take practice because it doesn’t always come naturally. You’re intentionally drawing your concentration to [...]

Mindful New Year’s Resolutions

A new year is a perfect time for reevaluating and setting new goals.  However, we’re all too familiar with how difficult it can be to stick to those resolutions all year long. We quickly get caught up in the hustle and bustle of a new year, and those good intentions slip down our priority list. Mindfulness is about purposefully focusing on the here and now. It can be a beneficial tool for successfully establishing, reaching, and maintaining new goals this year. Set Your Intention and Attention When setting your intentions for the new year, think about the purpose behind the goal. Why is it important to you? Why is it something you want to accomplish or improve now? What is your motivation? Thinking about your answers to these questions will help you keep your attention tuned into the motivation behind [...]

Mindfulness Meditation

  What is the first thing you think of when someone tells you to meditate? Perhaps you think of monks sitting cross-legged repeating “hum” in a Zen garden. This may be the truth for some, but the modern world has taken a different approach to meditation, combining the practice with a concept known as mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation has shown to have long-lasting benefits and can be easily done by anybody. What is Mindfulness Meditation? Mindfulness meditation is an approach to becoming aware of our breath and mindset. It involves examining each breath we take and noticing how our mind begins to wander during this task. As we continue to practice returning to our breath, we are able to build the muscles of attention and mindfulness. We increase our own ability to stay in the present as we guide ourselves to [...]