Mindfulness Meditation

  What is the first thing you think of when someone tells you to meditate? Perhaps you think of monks sitting cross-legged repeating “hum” in a Zen garden. This may be the truth for some, but the modern world has taken a different approach to meditation, combining the practice with a concept known as mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation has shown to have long-lasting benefits and can be easily done by anybody. What is Mindfulness Meditation? Mindfulness meditation is an approach to becoming aware of our breath and mindset. It involves examining each breath we take and noticing how our mind begins to wander during this task. As we continue to practice returning to our breath, we are able to build the muscles of attention and mindfulness. We increase our own ability to stay in the present as we guide ourselves to [...]

Declutter to De-Stress, May 2021

Read Time: 1 min 59 sec Einstein’s last day of work ended with a cluttered desk. Does clutter confuse you or is it organized chaos for the genius mind? Most people cannot think clearly with a workspace in disarray. It has been shown that being surrounded by mess leads to a lack of productivity and motivation. Overstimulation of our brains by clutter does not just affect our work headspace. It has been seen that women who perceive their homes as cluttered have higher cortisol levels which we know is correlated to obesity. The following are tips to declutter and de-stress about the environment. Office Organize- Put frequently used items within reach. Organize the items you don’t use as often and place them out of site. Folders- Put all items in their folder. Create a pending folder for all the things [...]

Stress Less: Declutter to Destress

Declutter to Destress We don’t need studies to realize that clutter can be stressful. Still, researchers are finding more and more that disorderly spaces can hurt stress hormones levels and even our likeliness to procrastinate. Why? Psychologists believe that the visual chaos from clutter restricts our ability to focus. Clutter is distracting, slowing our brain’s processing speed compared to when we’re in a tidy environment. In some cases, this can lead to poor decision making. Parting with our belongings can be emotionally challenging since we become attached to what we own. That’s why experts suggest decluttering with the help of a friend or family member. Instead of touching the objects you’d like to get rid of, have somebody else hold it and ask if you need it. If you touch the item, odds are you’re more likely to keep it. [...]

Stress Less: How Breathing Fights Stress

How Breathing Fights Stress What’s the first sensation you notice in your body when you face a moment of stress? Are you shaky? Does your heart race? Do your palms sweat? Maybe your breath becomes quicker and shallower. These physiological changes are all regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which continually works to regulate heart rate, respiratory rate, and digestion. When we face any stress, whether big or little, the sympathetic branch (better known as fight-or-flight) of the autonomic nervous system activates. Even bad traffic on the way home can cause the release of adrenal hormones into the bloodstream that triggers fight-or-flight in multiple parts of the body. The result can be higher blood pressure, faster breathing, a quicker heart rate, and even elevated blood sugar levels. It might seem like there is little we can do to stop fight-or-flight [...]