5 Quick Stress Busters for a Busy Day

Sometimes stressful situations arise faster than we can blink. Taking a break for a long walk or chatting on the phone with a friend might be good stress relievers, but some days our schedule is too busy for an extended pause. If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed but only have a few minutes, try a quick stress buster to help manage unexpected stress. Take a Deep Breath Deep breaths help slow our heart rate and bring more focus and clarity to our thoughts. There are many types of deep breathing exercises to try. Pick one to try and notice how it helps keep anxious thoughts at bay and allows you to be more present. Belly Breathing. This form of breathing is also known as diaphragmatic breathing. It focuses on using your diaphragm to take a full and deep breath. Start [...]

Mind-Body Fitness

Mind-body fitness incorporates mental engagement with active movement and controlled breathing. This full-body approach to activity focuses on body awareness during exercise and can also include mindful meditation. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of this fitness style and ways you can add it to your current workout routine. Benefits Mind-body fitness is a form of activity that allows the individual to see full-body benefits. When our mind is prepared for and focused on the exercise we're completing, it can help us pay more attention to our movements. We’re more in tune with our intensity, technique, and form. More awareness lowers the risk of injury and increases the ability to experience the benefits of physical activity. Research has shown how this type of fitness can benefit overall health and disease management. Research suggests, “Incorporating approaches such as mind-body [...]