Healthy Holiday Swaps

The holiday’s are a time for gathering with loved ones to celebrate the season. It’s also a time for lots of food. For somebody who is monitoring their calories and watching their weight, it can be hard to turn down all of the delicious holiday dishes. However, making simple adjustments to traditional recipes can be a sure fire way to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain. You can still enjoy your favorite meals by swapping out ingredients for healthier alternatives! Gravy Swaps Gravy atop a mountain of food is typically loaded with extra calories, saturated fat, and sodium. Fortunately, you can still add gravy to your holiday menu by making your own. Add together some low-sodium turkey or chicken broth, skim milk, and fresh herbs. You’d never guess this combination has fewer calories than the traditional recipe. Casserole Swaps The [...]

Guide: Healthy Meal Planning

How can you save money, free-up time, and be healthier? Meal planning! Food prepared at home eliminates eating out at a restaurant that would cost double the price. Preparing meals before the busy work week allows time for fun activities. Health benefits include: less saturated fats, sodium, and added sugars. Plan a Menu by Building a Balanced Meal When it comes to meal planning it is all about balance, variety, and moderation. These are the daily recommendations for adults according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Vegetables: 2 ½ cups Fruit: 2 cups Whole Grain: 6 oz Protein: 5 ½ oz Dairy/Calcium Containing Beverage: 3 cups Other considerations: Added Sugar: Less than 6 teaspoons per day for females and 9 teaspoons per day for males Saturated Fat: Total of 5-6% of total calories each day Sodium/Salt: Less than 2,300mg per [...]

Thanksgiving Nacho’s

November 6th is National Nacho Day! Thanksgiving is also in November, so why not combine the two together as a fun and delicious twist on two classics? Nachos are known for their cheesy, creamy texture and spicy flavor which can be high in calories and fat. This dish can be made healthier by using lean proteins like ground turkey, leftover turkey from Thanksgiving, or beans to reduce fats. Beans are high in fiber which can be beneficial for lowering cholesterol. Thanksgiving leftovers can be boring but reusing foods for this dish can help eliminate waste while also tasting different. Try out this festive dish today! Thanksgiving Nachos Prep: 10 minutes Cook: 15 minutes Serving: 1 Nacho Ingredients: 10 sweet potato or pumpkin tortilla chips 2 oz of lean ground turkey cooked or pinto beans (or 1 oz of both) Salt [...]

Stress-Free Office Snacks

  Everyone has workdays that everything just feels out of control! Perhaps you have too much on your plate or you got a disagreeable email. Unfortunately, work stress is inevitable. And during these stressful times, most of us are tempted to reach for a snack to calm and comfort. Believe it or not, there is a scientific reason for this phenomenon! When we become stressed, our cortisol levels rise and our bodies naturally respond by going into “fight or flight” mode. As cortisol levels rise, our blood sugar drops causing us to crave carbohydrates to help refuel. Thus, we end up looking for a quick sweet fix like a candy bar or cookies. But looking for a refined carbohydrate will not solve your body’s response. In fact, sugar will lead to a spike in blood sugar, causing more stress. To [...]

Easy Weeknight Meals

Make Time for Dinner Back to school brings the return of homework, weeknight sports practices, and very little time for much else. Although preparing dinner may feel like a chore, there are various strategies for making dinner both healthy and easy during a busy school week. If preparing a healthy meal comes at the expense of spending quality time with family, household chores, or squeezing in time to exercise, then these easy weeknight meal tips may be for you. Tip #1: Plan Creating a plan for weeknight dinners will prevent the dread from setting in when hearing “what are we having for dinner tonight?” Taking a small amount of time during the weekend to plan out each dinner will make sure you are ready for the week. Planning out meals also helps pull together your grocery list effortlessly. Fun meal [...]

Snacking On-The-Go

  Snacking is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Controlling hunger, by eating reasonably throughout the day, allows us to protect ourselves from losing steam. Going too long between meals results in a dip in your blood sugar (glucose) which can often leave you feeling sluggish. Snacking strategically will provide your body with the energy it needs, increase your attention-span and even improve your mood! By incorporating healthy snacks into your day, you may find that you have more energy to exercise and do the things you enjoy most. What is a healthy snack? Snacks should be thought of as “mini-meals” consisting of nutrient-rich foods around 100-250 calories. A nutritious snack usually includes a carbohydrate, a protein and a fat component: Carbohydrates are your body’s main fuel source. When snacking, carbs provide your body with a quick source of [...]

Healthy Home Cafe

Enjoying coffee in your pajamas while you sit in the silence of your home. The coffee is decadent, and you ponder how you got such a great cup of coffee without leaving the house. You remember what you added to the large pour of coffee, and it dawns on you the number of calories! It is delicious because of the amount of sugar, cream and flavors that are masking the actual coffee flavor. Coffee can be a low-calorie healthy, yes healthy, beverage. The caffeine in coffee and tea can be beneficial to our health. Find out what makes coffee and tea a healthy option. Then elevate the health-effects of your hot beverage bar with these tips. Coffee We know that coffee increases alertness, but is it good for you? Or at the very least, is it harmless? Coffee does have [...]

One-Pot Cooking

After working all day, finding something to make for dinner can sometimes be a pain. Who wants to spend their evenings stuck in the kitchen prepping healthy ingredients? And after dinner comes the “best” part - cleaning up the dirty dishes! This scenario leads many to order local takeout or make their way to the fast food lane. Why Choose One-Pot Meals?  Instead of grabbing a bite to eat out, make a healthy meal at home with just one pot! While eating out is convenient and saves time on clean-up, studies show that those who consume more meals at home consume fewer calories, less fat, sugar, and sodium compared to those who eat out. Your next healthy meal is just one dish away! Convenience And Healthy Combined  One-pot meals are dishes that are easy to make and a breeze to [...]

Grab and Go Breakfast

  The most important meal of the day - breakfast! And now that kids are heading back to school, it is even more important to fuel their brains for the day. Studies show that kids and adults who eat breakfast are more alert, think clearer, and have improved moods. Eating breakfast decreases our risk for heart disease, improves digestion, and builds strong bones. What better way to set your family’s day for success than incorporating a nutritious breakfast? Don’t skip breakfast! Even though breakfast is the most important meal of the day, nearly half the population is still skipping a morning meal! Do you bypass breakfast to make your hectic mornings easier? Unfortunately, this tactic can backfire leading to unwanted weight gain and hunger throughout the day. Here are some fun and convenient ways to assure you and the kids [...]

How to Meal Prep Healthy Lunches

  “BEEP! BEEP! BEEP” the alarm seems so much louder on the first day of school! Back to school can be a stressful time between trying to adjust to all the new schedules, as well as making sure everyone is organized and fed. This includes school lunches that need packed. This can feel like an annoying chore, adding to the morning chaos. Until someone figures out how to make lunches pack themselves, here are some tips to streamline your busy mornings. Meal Prep!  That’s right - meal prep. This is the key to a healthy week and is helpful for all. Preparing nutritious foods will save stress and time before heading out of the house for the day. Have a flexible plan for the week. Pick something to be the “main” component of your lunch like a whole grain sandwich [...]