Grocery Shopping & Added Sugar

Let’s take a deeper dive into products and look at the added sugar content of some common items. Remember, men want to try to limit added sugar to 9 teaspoons (36g per day) and women to 6 teaspoons (24 grams each day). Dried fruit The serving size for dried fruit is ¼ cup. Craisins: 130 calories, 0g fat, 3g fiber & 26g added sugar (6.5 teaspoons of added sugar) Raisins: 120 calories, 0g fat, 2g fiber & 0g added sugar Dried fruit is a great option to help you eat more produce. However, certain products may contain added sugar and you want to be mindful  of your portion size. Raisins would be an everyday choice since it does not contain added sugar, whereas craisins would be an occasional choice since it is high in added sugar. Condiments Certain condiments can [...]

Added Sugar- How Much is Too Much?

You might be surprised to hear that most Americans (including teenagers and children) consume about 17 teaspoons of added sugar each day. Too much added sugar can lead to increased health risks including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Added sugar contains calories, but no additional nutrition. With the lack of vitamins and minerals it’s important to limit your intake of added sugar. Let’s take a closer to look to discover how you can reduce your intake of added sugar. Different names for added sugar Added sugar comes in many forms including, but not limited to, maple syrup, honey, brown sugar, molasses, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, coconut sugar, evaporated cane syrup, agave nectar, maltose, dextrose, and malt syrup. Regardless of which type of added sugar you use, you want to limit your intake. Finding added sugar in foods [...]

Exercise as Medicine

  We all know that exercise is good for our health, but what exactly does it mean to use exercise as medicine? Research has shown that exercise can help to prevent and manage chronic diseases and conditions. In many cases, with physician supervision, it can be used instead of or in conjunction with medication to maximize health benefits. How Can Exercise be Used as Medicine? The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) launched the Exercise is Medicine (EIM) initiative to emphasize the importance of physical activity on our overall health. While physical fitness is important for improving athletic performance, preventing injury, and building muscle, its benefits go far beyond this. Exercise is key for preventing and managing diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Research shows it can also help manage bone and joint health, mental health, cognitive [...]

New Year, New You!

  It’s that time of year again. New year, new resolutions. This year, set yourself up for long-term success by making one or two achievable lifestyle changes. If you try to make too many resolutions at once, you have a higher chance of not meeting your goals. Stay away from fad diets that make false promises which will often end in disappointment. Fad diets restrict your food options and do not create a healthy eating pattern that supports your body. How do you create resolutions which set you up for long-term success? Creating Realistic and Achievable Resolutions Start slow; pick an area to work on and focus on that, whether it is exercising more or changing your diet by adding in more fruits and veggies. Remember that healthy weight loss is considered 1 to 2 lbs per week. Resolutions don’t [...]

Top Fitness Apps for 2023

  Welcome to a new year full of new goals! There’s an ever-increasing number of apps that bring fitness right to your fingertips. If you’re looking to establish or change up your exercise this year, we’ve got a list of the top fitness apps you’ll want to check out. AllTrails Available On: App Store & Google Play Price: Free Version or Pro Version for $35.99/Year AllTrails is an app for outdoor fitness lovers. Search and explore nearby trails for hiking, biking, and running. This app helps you find the perfect one to fit your needs, such as being dog-friendly, wheelchair and stroller accessible, or full of scenic attractions. Each trail has a difficulty rating, description, user reviews, full map, and directions to the trailhead. With over 350,000 trails on the app, you'll likely find just what you’re looking for. The [...]

Winter Produce

  Does your New Year’s resolution include eating more fruits and vegetables? Produce has many health benefits but unfortunately, most people are not meeting the recommended five servings of fruits and veggies each day.  In fact, research has found that, “just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or vegetable recommendations.” Not only are fruits and vegetables delicious but having a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. Fruits and vegetables can be enjoyed all year round. Winter offers a variety of in=-season fruits and veggies including apples, bananas, carrots, celery, collard greens, cabbage, pears, oranges, winter squash, etc.  In-season fruits and vegetables are usually more affordable and make great additions to meals and snacks. Winter Produce Highlights Cabbage Choose cabbages that are firm with [...]

Top Mental Health Apps for 2023

  The importance and awareness of mental health have been gaining traction. The challenges we’ve all faced over the last few years have shown that taking care of our minds is an integral part of our overall health and well-being. The stigma around mental health is changing now that we have many resources at our fingertips. Let's explore several mental health apps that are trending for 2023. Calm Available On: App Store & Google Play Price: Limited Free Content, Premium Version for $14.99/Month or $69.99/Year Calm focuses on mental health and stress management. The premium version will give you access to a library of content, including meditations, music, stretching videos, and relaxing scenes. This app can be a resource when you need a quick and relaxing mind break in your day. It can also be beneficial for establishing a better [...]

Top Wellness Tips from 2022

Can you believe we’re waving goodbye to 2022? As we set our sights on a new year with new goals, we reflect on the trends that shaped our year. Our overall health and wellness are at the forefront as we emerge from the pandemic, so we’ve compiled our top wellness tips from 2022. Boost Your Immune System Staying healthy and avoiding sickness is certainly fresh on all our minds. Recent years have highlighted how important it is to keep our immune system as strong as possible. Eat the rainbow by choosing different colored fruits and vegetables to help ensure you’re getting the necessary nutrients. Talk with your doctor to find out if you’re getting enough Vitamin D, which can also help regulate your immune system. Other ways to keep your body healthy include exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and washing [...]

Thriving During the Holidays

The holidays are a special time of year filled with wonder and excitement. However, with all the hustle and bustle, they can quickly become stressful, anxiety-inducing, and even depressing. Holidays can be full of nostalgia and endless expectations. It’s a time when we can be overwhelmed with family get-togethers, yet our hearts can ache for those who cannot be there. Our schedules start to overflow with events, and our healthy habits tend to go out the window as quickly as our budget for the season. With all these demands and constantly changing feelings, it can be difficult to get through the holidays, let alone enjoy them. Let’s look at several ways to make this season less frightful and more delightful. Make a Plan Schedules and emotions are always easier to manage when you have a plan. Prioritize your list of [...]

5 Ways to Keep Your Exercise Consistent All Year

It’s hard enough to begin an exercise routine, let alone be consistent with one long-term. Between the change in seasons, fluctuating daylight hours, and holiday seasons, healthy habits can be hard to maintain. We’ve got five ways to help you stay on track with your exercise year-round. Plan Your Workout We often say things like, “I need to be more active” or “I need to be more consistent with my exercise.” But then, the next week rolls around, and we say the same thing. While these are admirable goals to have, action requires appropriate planning. Think about your week ahead and how you can plan specifically to fit in exercise. Plan the days, times, duration, and type of each workout. This gives you a clear picture of your exercise goals for the week. And you’ve already accounted for other obligations [...]