Be Well Solutions Currently Assists More Organizations with the BWC Wellness Grant than Any Other Wellness Company in Ohio.

Ohio employers wanting to improve the health and wellness of their workers can benefit from the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s newest program, the Workplace Wellness Grant Program (WWGP). It provides funding to assist employers in establishing training and programs to reduce health risk factors specific to their employees. BWC established WWGP to study the effect of a wellness program in the workplace on bringing down incidence and cost of accidents and illnesses. The goal is to control the escalating cost of workers' compensation claims through addressing health risk factors. The WWGP's collateral goals are also to reduce health-care costs for employers, as well as improve the health of the workforce. The BWC has established this program to meet the challenges of obesity, rising incidence of chronic diseases and the aging workforce. This program will assist employers with the creation and [...]

2014 Best Places to Work: New Hire Perspectives

Simone Jasper for Inside Business Magazine THE WELLNESS WARRIOR: Dani Palus shares Be Well Solutions’ passion for healthy living.  Hire Date: May 2013 WHY IT’S A GREAT PLACE TO WORK: Be Well Solutions offers comprehensive wellness services while also promoting the wellness of its own employees with such benefits as discounted gym memberships and fresh fruit and smoothies served in the office.  LIKE MINDS: At Be Well Solutions, Palus found co-workers who share her passion for healthy living. She developed an interest in preventive health care in high school, when her mom and aunt both died from cancer within months of each other. “Preventive screenings were so important,” Palus says. “If we had been able to do something earlier, we could have avoided that.” FRUIT CRAVINGS: The Independence native graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in human nutrition in 2008. She [...]

Wellness plan moving along for Stark employees

Tim Botos for the Canton Repository County commissioners continue path toward implementing program. CANTON Stark County commissioners continue a move toward creation of a wellness program for county government employees. They’d previously published a request for proposals, seeking third-party vendors to implement and run what likely will be a voluntary program for more than 1,500 workers. After sorting through responses from 11 companies, they’ve narrowed the field to three. They plan to meet with each — BeWell Solutions, Interactive Health and Aultcare — in two weeks. The depth and breadth of such an offering has yet to be shaped, but it’s likely to be gradually phased in. Employers Health of Jackson Township, hired as a consultant, helped create and shepherd through the proposals to get the plan to this point. $16 MILLION PER YEAR The county spends $16 million per [...]

Administrator chosen for wellness program

Sue Reid for Solon Times   City council’s finance committee approved preparing legislation last week to accept the proposal of Be Well Solutions, a Solon company, as third-party administrator of an employee wellness program. The cost to Be Well Solutions for the one-year contract is $25,850. The city interviewed five companies of 10 proposals it received, with Be Well Solutions believed to be the “best fit” for the city and its culture, Human Resources Coordinator Jessica Vest told the committee. The fee proposal, which is an estimate, is based on the number of expected participants and includes biometric screenings, health risk assessment, coaching, incentive tracking and on-site presentations, among other services. The hope is to expand the program to cover all the city’s 283 employees and their spouses, Ms. Vest said. “Wellness programs have been gaining popularity over the last [...]

The Greater Cleveland Automobile Dealers’ Association said it has formed a strategic partnership with BeWell Solutions 

Scott Suttell for Crain's Cleveland Well, well, well: The Greater Cleveland Automobile Dealers' Association said it has formed a strategic partnership with BeWell Solutions of Cleveland to provide comprehensive wellness services to its member organizations. The auto dealers group represents more than 250 new-vehicle dealerships in northern Ohio. Through the partnership, the GCADA said it has made “a strategic commitment to promote activities that encourage healthy living and disease prevention among its members.” A formal kickoff is planned for Wednesday, July 10, when individual dealerships “will be introduced to the programs that can help control health care expenses and increase productivity,” according to the GCADA. “BeWell Solutions provides us with a customized service for our members' wellness needs by improving employees' health, increasing productivity and ultimately reducing our health insurance and workers' compensation costs” said Lou Vitantonio, the association's president, in a statement. Services to [...]

Wellness@Work | 2013 Winners

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History Special Congratulations to TMW, a long-standing client of Be Well Solutions, and to each and every organization that has put forth a dedicated effort to implementing a successful wellness program. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, with sponsor COSE, and partners Gallagher Benefit Services Inc. and Sibson Consulting, honored 14 area businesses for their workplace wellness initiatives. Representatives from the winning companies were recognized during an awards dinner March 21 at the Museum. More than 150 guests attended the awards ceremony. The awards honor companies that have demonstrated excellence in workplace wellness. The winning companies created programs to improve their employees' health, work/personal life balance, education, quality of life and sustainability in the workplace. The Wellness@Work Awards program was developed to help fulfill the Museum's mission of fostering health and leadership to a sustainable [...]

Event: Solon HR Roundtable Meeting Announcement, Speaker Bill Frankel

Our next meeting is Thursday August 22nd at Mustard Seed Market in Solon, second floor. Our speaker is Bill Frankel with Be Well Solutions and his topic is “The Truth about Exercise, Diet and Nutrition”. Come and spend some time with your peers learning new tools to take care of you (and teach your employees to do the same)! What:    Lunch meeting with speaker Bill Frankel Where: Mustard Seed Market, 6025 Kruse Drive in Solon,  2nd Floor When:   Thursday, August 22nd,  from 12 noon to 1 pm. Lunch:   Purchase food there if you like RSVP:   It’s helpful if you RSVP to Susan Drotleff at or to Carolyn Downie at so that we can plan for room set up and hand out of materials.

His 50th birthday one Tough Mudder

Sue Reid for The Solon Times It was a 50th birthday celebration that Solon resident Bill Frankel won’t soon forget. It involved plunging into freezing cold water, jumping through fire and running through electrical wires – and that was the fun part. Mr. Frankel, along with six of his close friends and colleagues at Be Well Solutions in Solon, took part in the Tough Mudder event recently in Mansfield. A 10 mile-plus, military-style obstacle course designed by the British Forces, Tough Mudder not only tests one’s physical strength, but also mental stamina. Drawing more than 700,000 participants worldwide, the event raises funds in support of the Wounded Warrior Project. “I’ve done marathons and triathlons and am a long-distance runner and cycler, so ‘been there, done that,’” Mr. Frankel, who turned 50 on May 2, explained of deciding how to mark [...]

E-cigs fire up controversy

Timothy Magaw for Crain's Cleveland Charlie Lardomita has been an off-and-on smoker since he was about 16 years old. And while it's only been two months since he lit up, the 38-year-old IT executive thinks this time he's kicked the habit for good. Forget the patch or nicotine gum. Mr. Lardomita swears by his electronic cigarette, a device that could be described as the lovechild of RoboCop and Joe Camel. He has made believers — or “vapors” — out of a handful of his friends who've since dropped traditional smokes. He even has dreamt of opening a vapor lounge — a one-stop shop and haven for e-cig connoisseurs — near his home in Kirtland. “I'm so into them it's ridiculous,” said Mr. Lardomita, chief technology officer for International Excess Alliance in Richmond Heights, a wholesaler of property, casualty and other [...]

Wellness big business for Solon firm

Timothy Magaw for Crain's Cleveland Keeping employees healthy is a good business plan these days as health care costs continue to inch upward, and a Solon-based company appears to be benefiting from helping employers do just that. Launched in 2005, BeWell Solutions positions itself as a business that can improve an employer’s bottom line by reducing employees’ health risks through educational seminars, biometric screenings, health coaching and other tactics. Revenues at BeWell, according to its top executives, are on the upswing, growing 100% in 2010 over the previous year and 60% on top of that in 2011. At present, BeWell is 40% ahead of where it was last year in terms of revenue, with “major opportunities in the pipeline,” said William Frankel, its executive vice president. Specific revenue figures were not disclosed. The company recently moved from a 3,500-square-foot space [...]