Exercise for Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors

  Breast cancer is the most common cancer among US women. According to the American Cancer Society, there is a 1 in 8 chance for a woman in the United States to develop breast cancer. However, there are currently more than 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the US. Exercise is known to have many benefits, including a lower risk for certain cancers. It can also be beneficial for cancer patients and survivors to incorporate regularly. Benefits of Exercise The most recent exercise recommendations for cancer patients and survivors were put together by a panel of experts from organizations including the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the American Cancer Society, and the National Cancer Institute. The experts saw that exercise can improve survival rates after diagnosis. They also noted that many quality of life factors during and after treatment [...]

Cancer Prevention

No matter how healthy we live, cancer can touch our lives. Two out of five Americans will receive a diagnosis of cancer at some point in their lives. One of the best ways to improve our survival chances is to discover cancer as early as possible. We do this with preventive screening exams. What is a preventive screening exam? A preventive screening exam looks for a disease, or risk factors for a disease in a person who has no symptoms or history of disease. Preventive screenings allows doctors to diagnose disease early before symptoms appear, which can increase the likelihood that an effective treatment is available to cure the individual. What are the goals of a preventive screening exam? A screening exam should be easy to administer and interpret, while maximizing true results. Also, if a test is positive, the [...]

Natural Ways to Maximize Energy

Energy is both a physical and mental resource. If you use caffeine or another energy product on a daily basis, take a moment to understand the potential health effects of your daily habit. Also understand that there are many positive strategies that can help you boost energy, productivity and concentration. These lifestyle habits also allow you to minimize the use of artificial stimulants and reduce the potential for harmful side effects if they are used. Here are our Top 7 Caffeine-Free Energy Boosters: Fiber + Protein While simple carbohydrates found in energy bars and drinks boost blood sugar quickly, they often leave you feeling depleted shortly after the initial energy boost. Instead of buying these so-called energy products, eat whole foods for energy. Complex carbohydrates, also known as high fiber foods, are a better choice for sustained energy especially when [...]

Flu Vaccines in the Time of Corona

Influenza or “flu” is caused by a contagious virus that infects your lungs and respiratory system. There are different strains of the influenza virus that are passed around the world. Symptoms of the flu may be mild or severe, and include fever, dry cough, sore throat, muscle aches and generally feeling tired and sick. Will the virus be worse this year since we are not wearing masks? Influenza viruses are spread by droplets that enter the respiratory system through our nose and mouth. Washing your hands is the best defense, but masks also reduce the likelihood of many types of respiratory (lung) infections. As the seasons change and we move indoors, viruses become more robust (cold, drier weather keeps them infectious longer) and that is why more people get sick during the winter months. If I get the flu vaccine, [...]

Solar Safety

Summer is here, calling us outdoors to enjoy picnics, baseball games, gardening, bike rides, beaches, and swimming pools. People have worshipped the sun for thousands of years. Recently, however, avoiding the sun has become all the rage. The threat of cancer, skin damage, wrinkles and a host of other ailments has been attributed to sun exposure. Hats, long sleeve shirts, sunglasses, and sunblock lotion has become the norm. Sunshine—like anything else, it’s all about moderation! Can you get too little sun? What SPF is the best? What is the minimum sun exposure I need to meet my vitamin D requirements? Let’s take a look at the facts: Negative Effects of UV Light Cancer—Ultraviolet Radiation is a leading cause of malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. There is strong evidence that sun exposure is a major factor in the [...]

Gratitude: Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Read Time: 1 min 35 seconds According to research, perpetually kind people have 23% less cortisol (the stress hormone), and age slower than the average population. Performing acts of kindness not only enhances others’ lives but is rewarding to our bodies and minds through feel-good hormones that are released. However, the effects of kindness aren't long-lasting, which means cultivating a daily practice of kindness for ourselves and others, is key. Each year, Random Acts of Kindness week is recognized from February 14th to February 20th. There is no better time to cultivate kindness than now!   Benefits of Kindness Have you ever felt that warm feeling when you’ve done something kind? When we perform acts of kindness, hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are released in the brain. These hormones can give you feelings of satisfaction, [...]

Goal Setting: New Year, New Habits, January 2021

New Year, New Habits Read Time: 2 min 30 secs The start of a new year signifies a new beginning and new habits! It is a time for setting goals like improving our health, connecting with others, and exercising more. However, according to the U.S. News and World Report, about 80 percent of people fail to stick with their New Year's resolutions, and most give up completely by mid-February. So why are most of us unsuccessful at keeping our New Year's Resolutions? For a lot of us, as we approach the new year, we tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do better than we did last year. This can lead us to set very high, unrealistic goals, which is why we tend to make the same resolutions year after year.  How do we break that cycle? [...]

Emotional Health: Bust Your Winter Blues

Bust Your Winter Blues Read Time: 2 min 00 sec Winter is well underway, which means warmer, sunny days of Spring can seem so far out of reach. Motivation and energy can feel just as elusive as the sunlight this season. If you are starting to feel the winter blues, try these tips below to put a little extra pep in your step.   Stay Active Feeling sluggish is common this time of year, but you can combat it by adding more movement into your day. Even a little exercise can produce those feel-good endorphins and help raise energy levels. Bundle up and take a walk outside or try a quick indoor workout. Avoid that afternoon slump by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or incorporating a quick stretch break into your day. Keeping active this time of year [...]

Spotlight: Wellness Gift Guide, December 2020

Wellness Gift Guide Read Time: 1 min 24 sec For many, this year has brought an unprecedented wave of stress and anxiety, which can wreak havoc on our health. This holiday season, consider giving gifts of wellness to your family and loved ones. These gifts help remind people about the importance of self-care and emotional balance. Our team at Be Well Solutions has put together this list of thoughtful wellness gifts.    Fitness People’s motivation for exercise tends to decline in the winter months for a variety of reasons, including cooler temperatures, worsening weather conditions, and shorter days. The gifts below are ideal for both well-established fitness enthusiasts and those just looking for a little extra motivation to stay active all season long.  - Foam roller - Wireless earbuds - Home workout equipment such as resistance bands or a jump [...]

Emotional Health: Positivity & Kindness

Positivity & Kindness Read Time: 1 min 37 sec 2020 has brought a variety of challenges to people all over the world. Pandemics cause more than physical illness; the emotional toll due to added stress is extensive. According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, stress levels have increased substantially due to COVID-19, and the negative health effects will be serious and long-lasting. Managing ongoing stress can have an impact on our overall feelings of happiness and positive thinking. We must concede that even though many elements of the crisis will be out of our control, there are some things within our control that can make a difference. These habits can improve our emotional wellbeing if we learn to practice them regularly. Boosting Happiness and Positive Thinking Positive thinking can have a great impact on stress. It is [...]