Meatless Monday

Start your week off right by taking part in a Meatless Monday! Meatless Monday is a global movement aimed at encouraging others to reduce meat in their diets - not only for our health, but also the health of the planet. Why Monday you ask? Research shows that people are more apt to start healthy behaviors on the first working day of the week as it works as a “reset” from the weekend. Furthermore, ditching meat once a week is a way to save on your grocery bill. Health Benefits Converting to a plant-based diet is a low-cost way to manage your risk for chronic disease and cancer. Cutting our daily meat intake just one day a week can help us to maintain a healthy weight and reduce our blood pressure. Skipping meat and swapping it out for plant-based proteins [...]

Snacking On-The-Go

  Snacking is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Controlling hunger, by eating reasonably throughout the day, allows us to protect ourselves from losing steam. Going too long between meals results in a dip in your blood sugar (glucose) which can often leave you feeling sluggish. Snacking strategically will provide your body with the energy it needs, increase your attention-span and even improve your mood! By incorporating healthy snacks into your day, you may find that you have more energy to exercise and do the things you enjoy most. What is a healthy snack? Snacks should be thought of as “mini-meals” consisting of nutrient-rich foods around 100-250 calories. A nutritious snack usually includes a carbohydrate, a protein and a fat component: Carbohydrates are your body’s main fuel source. When snacking, carbs provide your body with a quick source of [...]

Healthy Home Cafe

Enjoying coffee in your pajamas while you sit in the silence of your home. The coffee is decadent, and you ponder how you got such a great cup of coffee without leaving the house. You remember what you added to the large pour of coffee, and it dawns on you the number of calories! It is delicious because of the amount of sugar, cream and flavors that are masking the actual coffee flavor. Coffee can be a low-calorie healthy, yes healthy, beverage. The caffeine in coffee and tea can be beneficial to our health. Find out what makes coffee and tea a healthy option. Then elevate the health-effects of your hot beverage bar with these tips. Coffee We know that coffee increases alertness, but is it good for you? Or at the very least, is it harmless? Coffee does have [...]

One-Pot Cooking

After working all day, finding something to make for dinner can sometimes be a pain. Who wants to spend their evenings stuck in the kitchen prepping healthy ingredients? And after dinner comes the “best” part - cleaning up the dirty dishes! This scenario leads many to order local takeout or make their way to the fast food lane. Why Choose One-Pot Meals?  Instead of grabbing a bite to eat out, make a healthy meal at home with just one pot! While eating out is convenient and saves time on clean-up, studies show that those who consume more meals at home consume fewer calories, less fat, sugar, and sodium compared to those who eat out. Your next healthy meal is just one dish away! Convenience And Healthy Combined  One-pot meals are dishes that are easy to make and a breeze to [...]

Grab and Go Breakfast

  The most important meal of the day - breakfast! And now that kids are heading back to school, it is even more important to fuel their brains for the day. Studies show that kids and adults who eat breakfast are more alert, think clearer, and have improved moods. Eating breakfast decreases our risk for heart disease, improves digestion, and builds strong bones. What better way to set your family’s day for success than incorporating a nutritious breakfast? Don’t skip breakfast! Even though breakfast is the most important meal of the day, nearly half the population is still skipping a morning meal! Do you bypass breakfast to make your hectic mornings easier? Unfortunately, this tactic can backfire leading to unwanted weight gain and hunger throughout the day. Here are some fun and convenient ways to assure you and the kids [...]

Vegetables for Breakfast

Vegetables for Breakfast Read Time: 1 minute 32 seconds Vegetables are not just for lunch or dinner anymore. They can be a great sidekick to eggs and multigrain toast as well! It can be challenging to consume the total recommended daily amount of vegetables (1-3 cups per day), especially if there is only 1 serving being consumed at lunch and dinner. Vegetables contain many different nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and fiber, that are important for health. These nutrients can also prevent certain cancers and decrease risk of heart disease. They come in an array of colors and pair well with many different foods. Consider grating zucchini and carrots, then bake it into a favorite muffin or pancake mix. If you are in a hurry, blend up a smoothie with spinach, kale, and rhubarb, then add frozen [...]

Personalize Your Plate

Personalize Your Plate Read Time: 2 minutes 45 seconds Happy National Nutrition Month®! Each year, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics creates a campaign to engage the public in learning how to make more informed food choices. This year’s theme, “Personalize Your Plate,” emphasizes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. By personalizing your plate, you get to create the type of food adventure you want to have. Outside of adding more veggies or increasing healthy protein, try using new spices, a new fruit or vegetable, baking instead of frying, different whole grains, or even healthier fats – the options are endless! How to make it happen Start with a plan. Meal planning is a great way to organize you and your family's food preferences for the week. When we meal plan, we can ensure [...]

Supporting a Healthy Immune System

Supporting a Healthy Immune System Read Time: 2 min 54 sec Ways to boost immunity has become a hot topic as of late, but unfortunately, there are many factors about our immune system that we do not yet understand. To begin with, the immune system is an incredibly complex system and not a single entity. It is composed of multiple mechanisms throughout our body that recognize and destroy potential invaders like bacteria and viruses. Networks of cells and tissues are programmed to work in concert to properly protect our bodies from illness. There is still much research to be done to understand the details of our unique immune response. This complexity is one possible reason why research has not yet proven that any single lifestyle behavior or habit can directly enhance immune function. However, that doesn’t mean that lifestyle and [...]

Identifying Credible Nutrition Information, September 2020

5 Tips for Identifying Credible Nutrition Information Read time: 3 min 9 sec Accessing nutrition information is now easier than ever with social media, television, and the internet. But with an onslaught of information comes the challenge of having to decide which sources you can trust. Our registered dietitians have provided their top 5 tips for identifying credible nutrition and health-related information.   1. Evaluate the Source Media and News Outlets: These sources often sensationalize articles to engage readers and TV viewers. As a result, nutrition research can be over-generalized or misrepresented. It is always best to check with a trusted, science-based source to compare what you see/hear in the news. Websites: In most cases, credible websites end in,, or This does not mean that websites ending in or should not be trusted, but they [...]

Eat Right, Bite By Bite

Eat Right, Bite by Bite March is National Nutrition Month® and the theme this year is to Eat Right, Bite by Bite. This theme reminds us that making small changes, one bite at a time, can help lead you to an overall healthier lifestyle. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages you during National Nutrition Month® to focus on the themes below. Week 1: Eat a variety of nutritious foods every day! Include healthful foods from all food groups. Hydrate healthfully. Learn how to read the Nutrition Facts Panel. Practice portion control. Take time to enjoy your food. Week 2: Plan your meals each week! Use a grocery list to shop for healthful foods. Be menu-savvy when dining out. Choose healthful recipes to make during the week. Enjoy healthful eating at school and at work. Plan healthful eating while traveling. [...]