Fall Family Fitness

  Is your autumn schedule changing as quickly as the leaves? Between back-to-school, sports schedules, and a never-ending to-do list, this time of year can get a little hectic. Motivation for regular exercise can fall to the bottom of our priority list in a hurry. However, continuing movement and activity during seasonal transition is necessary for maintaining a consistent habit. Include the whole family and keep your habit going all year long. Make a List Write down a list of activities that the entire family can participate in. Make sure your list consists of a variety of types, durations, and indoor/outdoor choices. Include quick options like jumping jacks during a commercial break and prolonged options like a day of hiking in a nearby park. When you get a few moments, refer to the list and pick something that fits into [...]

Fitting Exercise into a Busy Schedule

  Cue giggle and eye-roll. This is after your doctor says, “just exercise a few days a week”. It’s an uphill battle finding time to exercise consistently when our schedules are jam-packed and constantly changing. It’s not uncommon to feel like we are short on time, don’t have enough equipment, or are simply struggling to keep-up. First and foremost, we need to commit to making exercise a priority. Then, we can work on ways of creatively squeezing exercise into our busy schedules. Short on Time Often, we have an idea in our head that we need to set aside a large chunk of our day for exercise. On busy days, and with an ever-changing schedule, it can be difficult to carve out even 30 minutes regularly. Luckily, exercise sessions don’t all need to be this long. Studies have shown that [...]

Green Spaces to De-Stress

We live in a constantly stimulating world, so it’s important to remember and always consider the reactions that occur naturally when we are in green spaces. Being outdoors promotes emotional and social wellbeing, as well as improving physical fitness and balance. Numerous studies bear this out. Provided you are fit enough to walk comfortably, the health benefits of regular outdoor activity reign supreme. Being outdoors allows us to take our mind off stressors and return feeling more in control and recharged. Find a park nearby and take a nature walk today! See the list below for ideas of outdoor fun. Continue reading July 2021 Newsletter: Shake Up Your Exercise with a HIIT Workout

Shake Up Your Exercise with a HIIT Workout

    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of workout that alternates brief periods of vigorous exercise with periods of moderate activity, or rest (recovery). For example, a person could run for 30 seconds and then walk for three minutes. The periods of vigorous exercise and periods of rest/recovery can vary, as can the intensity levels of both. This allows HIIT workouts to be very adaptable to each individual and their fitness levels. The popularity of HIIT has remained on the rise thanks to continued research supporting it as an efficient and effective way to get and stay fit. HIIT is an excellent way for you to improve your fitness level and health, but it does require pushing your body to a higher intensity, so take your level of fitness into account before starting. Consulting a doctor before beginning [...]

Wellness for the HR Professional: Exercise  

  The thought of adding exercise to your days may seem daunting and add even more stress and anxiety to already stressful days. However, incorporating exercise into your daily routine is a great way to stay healthy during a pandemic as well reduce your risk for chronic disease. An increasing amount of research shows inactivity has serious consequences when it comes to our health. Moving more during your day may help reduce health risk, increase productivity, and support a healthy weight. Exercise also reduces stress hormones and increases levels of feel-good endorphins. These endorphins circulate in the body and provide an immediate lift in mood, focus, attention, and reaction time that lasts two or more hours. Although considered short-terms effects, these changes can help prevent problems that contribute to cognitive impairment in the future. How will you move? Below are [...]

Men’s Health Month

In the United States, June is designated as Men’s Health Month. The goal is to raise awareness about the ways men can improve and maintain their health. The five most important things that men can do for their health are to be tobacco free, stay physically active, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight for your height, and get recommended screening tests. In addition to the top five, there are other health behaviors that can increase your likelihood of living a long, healthy life. Below are details about important health behaviors for men: Be Tobacco Free - This includes smokeless tobacco products as well. See our articles about Smoking and Vaping , and reach out to a Be Well Solutions Health Coach to enroll in our Kick Nic smoking cessation program. Stay Physically Active - Aside from being tobacco [...]

Exercise in the Great Outdoors Safely

Summer is just around the corner! The warmer weather can boost motivation for a consistent exercise routine. It’s the perfect time of year for a variety of outdoor activities. There are still some safety precautions to keep in mind. Use the tips below to keep your outdoor exercise safe and enjoyable. Safety First Safety is key when exercising outside. Choosing to exercise in daylight hours and paying attention to traffic will keep you alert on the road. If you’re in a rural or park setting, consider exercising with a buddy or letting someone know where you are ahead of time and when you plan to return. It’s a good practice to bring both your ID, a little cash, and your charged phone with you for any of those “just in case” scenarios. Also, don’t forget sunscreen and sunglasses. Even on [...]

Top Ways Exercise Helps Manage Arthritis

  Exercise routines can be hard to stick to, but when you have arthritis getting started can be even more difficult. However, regular exercise is one of the best things you can do to help manage arthritis pain and maintain a good range of motion. Why Exercise? Reduce Pain and Stiffness. It might seem backward to exercise when joints are stiff and sore from arthritis, but consistent exercise helps keep our bodies in motion. A well-rounded exercise routine that includes aerobic, strength, balance, and flexibility exercises will increase your range of motion. This increased range of motion will help to lower pain and stiffness caused by arthritis.  Joint Support. Muscle strengthening is a key part of a balanced exercise routine. Incorporating muscle strengthening exercises will help provide a better support system for your joints. The more support joints have, the less wear [...]

5 Components of Exercise Recovery

  You just finished up a great workout…Congrats! But now what? Practicing recovery techniques after exercise is essential for getting the most out of your workout and lowering the risk of injury. Incorporate the components below into your routine for maximum recovery. Cool-Down The cool-down is a component of exercise that is frequently overlooked. Too often, we finish our workout and go right on with our day. However, wrapping up our workout with a cool-down is going to help our body recover quicker. Finish up your workout with 5-10 minutes of very low-intense activity. This will gradually lower your heart rate and bring your body back into a resting state. Finish up your cool-down with several minutes of full-body stretching. Stretching will allow your muscles to relax, which can ease soreness and cramping. Recover Complete an extra intense workout or [...]

Get Moving with the Whole Family this Spring

Get Moving with the Whole Family this Spring Read Time: 2 minutes 4 seconds Spring is great time to increase your activity and exercise and carry it through the rest of the year. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, only 1 in 3 children are physically active each day, and less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of daily physical activity. Getting the whole family involved in exercise helps create a support system, healthier habits, and lasting motivation.   Give These Family-Friendly Activities a Try Go Hiking or Biking. Hop on your bike or grab your gym shoes and hit the trails. It is a great time of year to walk or cycle on nearby sidewalks, bike trails, or even at a park. If it has been a while since you have had your [...]